Ok, we know wolf makes dogs, but dogs don't make cats....
Please, watch this video. It's not even trying to prove evolution to be true, all it does is explain what the theory of evolution is and what it is not.
and when I say monkey from rock, in evolution what did the monkey come from and so forth?
Obviously not a rock. I'll answer your question but I need you to first understand the basics of what evolution is and what evolution is not. When you get this idea that evolution scientists believe life came from rocks and dogs give birth to cats out of your head, we can have a meaningful discussion.
The generations involved in training up current evolution scientists are those who were brainwashed through the lie of Piltdown Man for apparently 58 years, including at least 17 years after exposure of the great lie. All science classes in grade schools and college were exposed to that. We were all contaminated, all forced to accept a concept that had no alternative concept that most could suspect. It was irrefutable fact for every American student from 1914 until over half a century after the "discovery" of that human skull with a jaw like an ape. Man indeed shared a common ancestor with the apes!
That lie was not removed from science textbooks and wall charts until a replacement concept could replace it. The idea took root such that most students still today are taught it is unthinkable to veer from evolution of man. Today the average teacher is influenced by the old who held the lie as a precious truth.
Clearly you didn't watch the video I provided explaining the exposure of Piltdown man.
Piltdown man was a fraud that temporarily fooled scientists. But it was discovered to be a hoax and corrected. This doesn't mean every fossil we do have is a hoax though.
The best world scientists working with "evolution glasses" that only enable them to consider pro-evolution evidences failed to recognize a blatant hoax for about 41 years! They stood by knowing the lie was shaping future generations to accept their beliefs. What a shame on them.
Poppycock! Evolution scientists immediately stopped referring to Piltdown man as soon as it started to contradict new data. Piltdown man was then re-examined and the moment it was discovered to be a fraud, scientists corrected the mistake! Sometimes data in textbooks provided to schools are not corrected or updated, which is a shame, but it doesn't mean scientists are intentionally trying to fool students. Keep in mind, the scientists who corrected the error were evolutionists themselves!
just by single cases like the dinosaur bones containing blood components that somehow escaped millions of years of "lithification"
I provided a video explaining this too. The blood components were just that, components. They were found in unfractured bones in very specific conditions that allowed those components to remain preserved. These components were ONLY found in specific bones in which they were shielded from outside elements and nowhere else!
I tend to reject all evolution concepts introduced by any form of "We believe", or "It is believed", that something else is true because we believe the former belief is true. When any foreground belief is employed without verification of authenticity of its data, then the conclusion ought to be disqualified.
Scientists use these words because they remain honest and open to the idea that their data might be wrong. You can't just look at the words "we believe" and assume it's a baseless assumption. It's a belief based on evidence.
I appreciate how creation-believing scientists hold off on creation statements until after a purely scientific conclusion is derived.
I'm sorry, but are you serious? Creation scientists always start with the premise that God created the earth and that all evidence that contradicts that view must be wrong. Real scientists, evolutionists, do not start with the premise that evolution is true. They conclude evolution to be true after observing the fact. Watch the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham. Ken ADMITS he would NEVER change his mind under ANY circumstances about creationism being true, ever. Countless "creation" scientists admit this.
Creation "science" isn't science. It's a bunch of people who look at things other scientists have uncovered and they pick at it so that parts that
seem to verify creation are accepted and things that seem to counter creation are dismissed as false. They do not EVER partake in double blind studies to verify whether or not their facts are right. Scientists, evolutionists, do.
I can read the secular works, filter out the unfair preconceived notions, accept the good stuff. But for me the creation account more and more makes the best explanation of life, geology explained best in the Genesis Flood, why no supposed intermediate forms of species to species evolution will hold up as such. Geneticists are learning enough to prove they won't ever find a real intermediate fossil. It isn't that geneticists themselves will use their facts to do so. It will be others using their facts. Whatever is true about evolution will be stronger.
We have sooooooooooooooooooooo many examples of transitional fossils that it amazes me anyone can reject them as such. The problem isn't that there aren't any transitional fossils, the problem is that creationists will NEVER accept ANY fossil to be transitional no matter what!
I strongly believe much of this problem began each time science terms like "species" and "scientific process" got redefined to better support evolution. It was mostly evolutionists that did that, being in charge of academia.
The scientific process has always remained the same and evolution scientists do not control academia. It sounds like you watched Ben Stein's asinine movie "No Intelligence Allowed". If that's the case, I can provide numerous links that verify Stein as being intentionally dishonest in that film.
Birds are birds The Bible refers to "kinds", which held an amazingly complex genetic data set to provide many characteristics.
The Bible didn't go into much detail as to what a "kind" is, which means this claim is completely made up.
We don't witness any of them becoming something other than another type of bird kind.
You said you studied evolution, so why do you make a statement that doesn't' describe evolution? Evolution is a GRADUAL process. It's not some sort of event in which a bird gives birth to a lizard or a half lizard, half bird, mutant. The process is gradual in the same sense a baby doesn't go to bed and wake up a teen, who wakes up a middle aged man, who wakes up an old wrinkled man. This is precisely what creationists pretend evolution is, an event in which offspring are vastly different from their parents - that's not how evolution works.
God engineered the ability to adapt to different living conditions, while remaining kin to birds in general. The Ark was big enough to hold various "kinds" of birds, too, further expanding the possible varieties of what we lump into one category Ares. Perhaps there was in fact a then rare birdy-bat kind that went extinct after the flood.
Wonderful! A prediction! Now all you have to do is find a bat/bird ancestor, verify it's age, and get the studies peer reviewed!