Greetings sister,
Many great posts on this topic, and all of them have spoke the Truth. There are many different things a person can fast from, anytime a person gives up something they love, for Christ, is very pleasing to Christ.
i would like to talk about why i fast, when i say fast, i am only referring to food. i only drink water when i fast and nothing else.
The number one reason i fast, is for Jesus Christ. You see i know that if i obey Christ in everything, if i feed the hungry, cloth the naked, visit those in prison, give to charity, pray for the sick, help the homeless, volunteer my time, love others, walk the walk of a True Christian, i am only doing what is REQUIRED of a good soldier in Jesus Christ. Fasting however is something we choose to do, not commanded to do, it is something EXTRA i can do for Christ to show Him that i LOVE Him, more than food. i have been celibate for more then 5 years now, so food is the pleasure of my life. i use to fast 3 days every month for around 3 years, prior to that i fasted for 3 days about every 4 to 5 months. Now i fast for 3 days when i need to hear from God on specific issues or for others going into surgery or the such.
Another reason i fast, is because it helps a person to get more in line with their spiritual selves. If you do a study on Fasting using the Bible, you will find that most people who recieved revelations from God were in a state of fasting to some degree. For example when Peter was on the roof and seen the sheet come down three times it is said that he was hungry. When you deny the flesh its desires this opens up spiritual channels. The flesh and the Spirit are at enmity with each other, deny the flesh - spiritual awakening can occur, or spiritual understanding.
Another reason i fast, is because it is actually healthy for you to do so ( not so much once you are older) The third day of only water and no food, i would always get a very bad taste in my mouth, i have learned that is because of poisons leaving my body, poisons that were trapped in my body, but now can escape.
i seen a documentary one time, sorry do not remember which it was 20/20 or Discover Channel or something else. But it was about fasting. i found it to be extremely enlightening. The scientists were doing a study on the mind during fasting. They went to Tibet i think, and put all their electronic monitoring devices on these Tibetan Monks while they were fasting. Here is what they found and i find to be extremely interesting, and from my own fasting can verify to be True. The first day the equipment showed below normal brain activities in the minds of the Monks being monitored. The second day the equipment showed normal brain activities, but on the Third day brain activities were off the charts
For me it was always on the third day, that i would feel the most Spiritual and receptive of Spiritual understandings. The first day was never really that bad, just will power to not eat, but the second day, for me, was always the real challenge. my body would tell me in various ways that it was hungry and needed some food, stomach pains, nausea, cramps, grumbling, and sometime vomiting (dry heaves). All ways that my body is trying to tell me it wants food. But the third day i feel excellent, i guess my body figured that it wasn't going to get any food, therefore my body starts to feed off my body, that is to say it eats the fat that i have stored up in my body. what is excellent is that my body will only eat what it absolutely needs and not more. But my point is the third day i feel great, i think more clearly, thoughts come more easily. This is why if anyone has a serious decision to make in their life, i always recommend Fasting for three days, because on the third day you will think much more clearly and be able to see and understand things better than you did before the Fast. But be warned, the first and second day you might be dumber. Well i was anyway, forgetful, can't pay attention, you know Dumber. lol.
Well anyways, i highly recommend fasting from food, not food and water though, i found (for me) that drinking water helps purifies my digestive system, cleans it out. However don't drink so much water to try to get full, i did that once and got real sick. Drink water periodically and not too much at one time. Also i would not recommend doing three days if you are not use to fasting. Go one day this week then try two the next week, work your way up to three days. Also i hear people who before going on a three day fast will eat only vegetables a couple of days prior to the fast, this may be a good ideal as well. Also another tip, even though you may feel like you are going to die on the second day, you won't die, it is a defense mechanism that your body will do to you, to try to tell you to eat some food. The longest (on record) that a person has went without food before dying is 62 days. Jesus went 40 days and 40 nights. So i am sure you can make it past the second day. For me the second day was always the hardest, days following were easy. the second day was the trial for me, thinking who do i love more Jesus or the food, while the whole time my body is screaming EAT FOOD YOU IDIOT. lol.
Well hope this has helped in some way.