So, what exactly is my problem? Well, he just does not give me enough attention. He never carries conversation unless I listen to him only. He does not show interest in me or things I enjoy. We always do what he wants. He does not respect me or my wishes. I mean, he will walk in a store and let the door hit me, but stand for awkward amounts of time to hold for another woman. Which, I have brought to his attention and his response was something like, okay so I won't open the door for other women, what? Not what I meant at all. Or if I say he is so much nicer in front of people than with just me, his response is well I won't be nice to other people. What? I always explain that is not my agenda and I would like him to show chivalry to others and me.
Does this treatment lead you to be grumpy towards him? Do you smile when he walks in the door? Sometimes these kind of relationship problems turn into a cycle. He does something that irritates you, so you get cold toward him. He responds to your coldness with coldness. You snap at each other. Your ill-treatment of him feeds off his ill-treatment of you and vice versa. Saying 'you started it' doesn't solve the problem. It doesn't matter who started it. When Jesus was reviled He 'reviled not again.' You should treat your husband with love, submission, and respect even if he is harsh toward you, and he should not embitter you even if you do not treat him with love, submission, and respect.
I think you need a 'relationship reboot.' First, really, really pray about it. Pray about the changes you want God to make in Him and you. Pray to God to show you your part in your relationship problems if there are any. Pray about how to talk to your husband about it.
My wife and I have gone through times when we have been irritable with each other. This has happened during times of stress when we were moving and there was a lack of sleep, or during hormonal fluctuations like when she was in post-partum or coming off of breastfeeding and having PMS at the same time. Stress can make things difficult.
I remember one time I was off work for a week for holidays and she was on my case about using more dishes than she would like. We got irritable with each other (especially her with me, it seemed like.) I told her let's pray about it. We humbled ourselves and asked the Lord to show areas where we needed to repent. There, kneeling down, we apologized to each other, and all that resentment that had built up was gone. You can try to pray with him. If he's not a man of faith who prays, you can talk to him and apologize for all the things you've done wrong toward him, attitudes, things spoken, etc. Ask him to point out things you have done wrong that have led to the problems in your relationship (describe the problems to him), and see if he can tell you. Hopefully, if you humble yourself, he will do the same. He may not be able to list out all the things he does, like the things you posted above, off the top of his head, but if you approach him with humility and admit your own faults, when you gently point out the things he's done that hurt you, he may be more willing to listen.
As your husband you should submit to him and respect him. God knows how he designed us, and if you aren't doing that, it can cause trouble. Sometimes not doing this is subtle. If you treat him like a child, telling him what to do, telling him to wash his hands before dinner or common sense things that he knows, that can signal a lack of respect. Not asking him about decisions he should be allowed to make is not respectful or submissive. Yelling, name calling, etc. of course is not respectful. Respect him 'as unto the Lord.' Since the Lord wants you to do it, by showing him respect, in your heart you can do it out of respect for the Lord. The same goes for submission.
If you want him to talk to you, make it pleasant for him to do so. Pretty yourself up a bit before he comes home from work. Greet him at the door with a passionate kiss and tell him how happy you are to see him. Hug him for a long time like you will never let him go. Offer him a drink he likes that you just made (e.g. lemonade, tea, etc.) Bring it to him the way he likes it (e.g. with ice, hot, etc.) Bring him a snack he likes if he's hungry. Ask him if he'd like to sit down in a comfortable chair. Sit down on the floor, hug his knees, and start talking to him. This is a very non-threatening position. You aren't interrogating him. You are adoring him. If you've forgiven each other for all your past wrongs and cleared the air from not getting along, he may open up to you.
I feel, I have to constantly bring me to his attention and even that does not help much. The only time he thinks of me is when he needs to have sex. That attention lasts for like three days at the most. Then I get zip for attention and interaction for like three weeks
If you had sex with him every three days, for about three weeks out of the month, would he go for that? Is the three-week thing his choice? If a man's wife turns him down, the rejection can tempt him to feel cold toward her. The three week comment suggest that that it isn't you whose turning him down. Don't let yourself fall into the trap of thinking, "He only wants me for sex. He doesn't love me. He only wants to use me." Most newly weds who are madly in love don't think that way. Sex is a way to show your love for him, and if you show him love, it may be easier for him to appreciate and reciprocate.
I find myself wishing that some man would show interest in me, so I could have a man's companionship and friendship. I have never gotten along well with women. I know that my wanting another man's attention is WRONG, but I am a stay at home mom, I do not have any friends, but him and I have been neglected for years and want some attention.
Work on fixing things with your husband. When you were dating or newly weds, did he ever meet your emotional needs for attention? If he did, he can do it again. If not, it's an area he can work on. You can also pray and ask the Lord to help you meet your emotional needs. Don't go looking for an emotional boyfriend. These things often starts as emotional.