i don't view pornography or like it. i am not engaged in sexual activity, and i don't drink in excess.
but our minds are connected to our bodies and whether you act on greed or coveting or not, you're still sinning, and using your body to do it...the deadliest part of the body, the mind. i would think. idk. isn't that true?
when i read the bible, i read about sins like not doing things i should be doing. helping people without any expectation of anyone knowing or reward or whatever. and things like vanity - yes, i wonder if my hair looks nice.

things like that.
those things bother me more than the fact that i'm struggling to give up smokes or if i cuss at the guy in the dodge that cut me off today. i admit it to Jesus right away anyways and tell him i'm sorry. i know i have to work on all of it.
and yes, sometimes i do make excuses not to do things i should do, or to do things i shouldn't. i'm pretty sure everybody does. it doesn't make it right, but it's true.