First of all I'd like to pat on the back the person who did the discussion with the Mahogany Snail person, because those are the kinds of things I hear about Gothism, and the replies were great. When I first started reading the entries I was shocked and angered, but after a while I felt better because the responders words were very accurate.
This said, I would like to clear a few things up for anyone who wonders about the Goth culture. I speak from having been in it for many years and being around many other Goths.
First, as for it being a new subculture, yes and no. The Goth culture has different avenues, such as the rockers and the victorians. The rockers are the 80's guys and have the fancier clothing from that era. The victorians go back longer, and one of the victorian goth mentalities was Charles Addams, the creator of the Addams family (yes I'm a fan and have the whole set on disc, they were an awesome family)was very gothic. I wont go into his biography here, but I have alot in common with him.
I beleive true Goths are often born. Me personally, I was fascinated with history, old houses, castles, graveyards and dark art from earliest childhood. I always liked black, had candles everywhere, and whilst I watched alot of gothic horror, along with kid movies, cartoons, comedies and actions, I never took any of it seriously, it was all theatrics of hollywood.
Blood sucking vampires are not real, I always knew that, but I wear a long black 17th century overcoat and a velvet goth victorian military jacket that I baught for church. I also wear a top hat along with dark angel shirts and jewelry, yes, everyplace including downtown. Some people mock, others really like the look. I wear it because it is ME. I like the victorian look, period, and have no desire to beconcerned with conformity. I can wear t shirts and blue jeans, but I like this look very much.
I lov antiques, candleabras (I have bunches of those, some very old) and I have a fogger in my bedroom. My nights can be found with a thin layer of fog and candles burning, and if there is light rain outside, I'll dress up and go out in it.
As for death, death is simply a part of life. All things die, animals, bugs, leaves on trees. Why do we fear death? The body goes to sleep. Accept it. I like cemeteries. I like walking through the oldest ones I can find reading the stones. It's like meeting people from the past. The old stones were often hand carved. There ae people who collect old Casket handles. Some of them are extremely ornate and often valuable. They are another art form. Why would a Christian fear death or consider it morbid? To you, isnt death the last stop before Jesus?
As for depression, I have a favorite club here, it is a Goth club. Go there at ten at night on a busy night, and amid the music and dancing.....depression? hardly. I have never seen any drug taking or sexual antics there, just people having fun. I dont get drunk and Idont use drugs. But I dont condemn others.
Goths are not fake people, we are people who reflect on the outside what we are on the inside, and we are not stopped by meainstream people's veiwpoints. Many Goths are Christians. I have been in church in black from head to foot, and been among Christians with no problem. There is a small church here I've gone to and they are great with my Goth look. I go with a top hat, velvet jacket, leather choker, rings, and generally a cross on a chain, and a chrome chain belt. It's just me.
We dont wear costumes, we wear clothing that is us, like anyone else. We have pirates who wear tricorns and longcoats with leather. They do not rape or pilage. We have vampires who wear long hair and paint nails. They do not drink blood or harm anyone. They dance, have drinks, tell jokes, then go home to the family.
Can a Christian be Goth? Oh yes, so easily! Go to a quiet place, bow your head, and pray. It's that simple. There is no christian uniform. You can be naked, can be in uniform, can be in rags. there is no difference.
As for makeup, lots of people wear it. It washes off. Are we conformists? Everyone is a conformist. Unless you have two right arms or a nose on your chest, you conform to something.
From a christian perspective, did God make darkness? Did he make fog? Did he make people to eventually run down and die? Did he make rain? Did he make thunder and lightning? Did he make people all look different? Would a Christian say God did not make Goths? If you want to do some interesting reading, I will put some links at the end of this.
I appreciate the opportunity to make this post and maybe give readers a different view of us dark and scary people. Really we dont bit. But some of us can open packages with our jewelry.
Christian, Gothic Christianity, The Blood God, The graverobbers ministry, are a few.