Dearest Lady,
First, I applaud your desire to stand firm in your convictions. As a single male, i know (only too well)
the constant struggle of having to survive in a world where ,at every turn, we are bombarded by intense temptation. As males are visually stimulated,and the media (spirit of the world) is all too ready to exploit
our weaknesses, there few places we can go where we're not faced with the "in your face advertising"
that is strategically positioned at check-out counters, on sitcoms, and in the way some women dress in
The family unit is God's greatest way of showing us the best way to live in His word. As such, every since satan's eviction from heaven, he has done everything in his power to destroy the family.
If your husband wants you to dress in a way that"turns him on" in public, you might ask him why he wants you to turn other guys on like you do him.
I sincerely hope i'm wrong, but it appears to me that he may be dealing with a problem of temptation himself. If this is the case, dressing in an inappropriate way to please his perceived need to flaunt his greatest conquest(you), would do much more longterm damage to your relationship than it would do any good. If you dress like all the rest of the woman, who are looking for attention to fulfill a need that they think they have, you will only prove to feed his prideful ungodly needs, thus becoming an enabler,not to mention all the unwanted & ungodly attention you'll be bringing on yourself.
Although it may take quite awhile, i strongly feel that if you stick to your Spirit led decission to dress in a way that you are comfortable with, this phase will pass, and your relationship will become stronger and more able to endure this and many other trials that are sure to come along.
If he is dealing with the spirit of lust(like the vast majority of men in this world) it might be a good idea for you to not leave the comp. room for long periods while he is online. If you find that he has gone to "skinsites" please don't react in anger immediately. Wait til another time when you're both calm and he is more apt to hear you, then you should calmly explain how it makes you feel when he goes to those sites or if he looks longingly at other women. When he goes awhile without sewing to the spirit of lust, you might want to reward him by maybe, as a surprise for him, buying a "hot" little neglegie & showing him the benefits of keeping that stuff in the home where it belongs.
God has placed him as the head of your household. If you have children who,like most children, want to be "just like daddy", your husband's weaknesses will become worse on the kids than they are on him. If you've not already done so, it would be extremely beneficial to you both for you to listen to Dr James Dodson at www. or .org. There are several other ministries that deal with this and other problems that are intent on destroying the family unit. I'll definately be praying for you both on this one.