Hi Rudi,
Have you tried vapor yet? I was a longtime smoker and became disgusted and prayed for God's help to quit. Nicotine vapor was my solution. I haven't smoked a cigarette since, that was 2 years ago. I'm not good at enduring sudden change. First time I quit smoking (while alternately beginning menopause) I left my husband.... I wasn't walking with The Lord then sooooooooo...... I began smoking again and just became fed fed fed up. Truth is my kids, their dad and my brother and sister all vape. I'm working on quitting eventually by lowering the milligrams. But... Vaping is half the expense of smoking, no carcinogens, cleaner, fresher, and therefore less offensive to others. It works! Hope you try it.
Have you tried vapor yet? I was a longtime smoker and became disgusted and prayed for God's help to quit. Nicotine vapor was my solution. I haven't smoked a cigarette since, that was 2 years ago. I'm not good at enduring sudden change. First time I quit smoking (while alternately beginning menopause) I left my husband.... I wasn't walking with The Lord then sooooooooo...... I began smoking again and just became fed fed fed up. Truth is my kids, their dad and my brother and sister all vape. I'm working on quitting eventually by lowering the milligrams. But... Vaping is half the expense of smoking, no carcinogens, cleaner, fresher, and therefore less offensive to others. It works! Hope you try it.