Mm This is sad. But no rights have been violated in my opinion.
The thing about "gay" marriage.... There's no such thing as "gay" marriage. It irks me when people say it. The law is BLIND to sexual orientation. Homosexuals CAN MARRY anyone of the opposite sex regardless of their sexual orientation. This is why it bothers me when people cry out equal rights.. They have equal rights. The issue here is redefining marriage to include same-sex marriage. (Under this, two people who are the same sex CAN get married even if they aren't homosexual. I reinterate, the law is BLIND to sexual orientation.)
This isn't about legislating morality. This isn't about making it illegal to participate in homosexual acts which I would agree is wrong. I have homosexual friends and family. I don't wish to control their actions. The reason marriage hasn't been redefined for so long is because saying same-sex marriage was an oxymoron until recently. It's like saying "I'm the heir of Bill Gates." Someone says, "No you're not." I say... "Well, I think we should redefine heir to include me." Now the definition of marriage has been changed. It's now arbitrary and based on an emotion called love. Which means eventually anyone who "loves" each other can get married. Who are we to argue that they can't (unless it's illegal like pedophilia) when marriage has now been given that definition? Who are YOU to claim 3 people can't "love" each other? Who are you to deny them their "right" to marry?(Now that the definition of marriage is love, YOU CAN'T.) I know plenty of christians who didn't even mind letting homosexual couples enjoy the same benefits as married couples under some sort of civil union. But it's the fact, they pushed hard enough to redefine "marriage" to suit them that is upsetting people.
People are also talking about people who should have a right to refuse service to people based on sexual orientation. Again, this is showing the hypocrisy of many Christians. I have seen so many that feel it is their God-given duty to treat homosexuals with resentment. Now a wedding cake, or wedding pictures? I can understand that if you don't support same-sex marriage and don't want to portray that you do..But if you're doing it for morality reasons... let's face it... When people come into their store, do Christians ask them things like, "Is this your first marriage?" "Have you been divorced? How many times? What were the reasons for your divorce? Were they validated by the Bible?" "Was the other person ever married?" "Did you have an affair with this person before deciding to marry them?" "Did you fornicate with them?" Come on.. We cherry pick. If you say, you don't wanna serve sinners... then you better close up shop because you're going to have no customers.. This is the reason, I think Christians get targeted...We sort of bring it on ourselves.
The thing about "gay" marriage.... There's no such thing as "gay" marriage. It irks me when people say it. The law is BLIND to sexual orientation. Homosexuals CAN MARRY anyone of the opposite sex regardless of their sexual orientation. This is why it bothers me when people cry out equal rights.. They have equal rights. The issue here is redefining marriage to include same-sex marriage. (Under this, two people who are the same sex CAN get married even if they aren't homosexual. I reinterate, the law is BLIND to sexual orientation.)
This isn't about legislating morality. This isn't about making it illegal to participate in homosexual acts which I would agree is wrong. I have homosexual friends and family. I don't wish to control their actions. The reason marriage hasn't been redefined for so long is because saying same-sex marriage was an oxymoron until recently. It's like saying "I'm the heir of Bill Gates." Someone says, "No you're not." I say... "Well, I think we should redefine heir to include me." Now the definition of marriage has been changed. It's now arbitrary and based on an emotion called love. Which means eventually anyone who "loves" each other can get married. Who are we to argue that they can't (unless it's illegal like pedophilia) when marriage has now been given that definition? Who are YOU to claim 3 people can't "love" each other? Who are you to deny them their "right" to marry?(Now that the definition of marriage is love, YOU CAN'T.) I know plenty of christians who didn't even mind letting homosexual couples enjoy the same benefits as married couples under some sort of civil union. But it's the fact, they pushed hard enough to redefine "marriage" to suit them that is upsetting people.
People are also talking about people who should have a right to refuse service to people based on sexual orientation. Again, this is showing the hypocrisy of many Christians. I have seen so many that feel it is their God-given duty to treat homosexuals with resentment. Now a wedding cake, or wedding pictures? I can understand that if you don't support same-sex marriage and don't want to portray that you do..But if you're doing it for morality reasons... let's face it... When people come into their store, do Christians ask them things like, "Is this your first marriage?" "Have you been divorced? How many times? What were the reasons for your divorce? Were they validated by the Bible?" "Was the other person ever married?" "Did you have an affair with this person before deciding to marry them?" "Did you fornicate with them?" Come on.. We cherry pick. If you say, you don't wanna serve sinners... then you better close up shop because you're going to have no customers.. This is the reason, I think Christians get targeted...We sort of bring it on ourselves.