fascinating to find there is someone with my problems,I have a quote"father" but hes a bum and against god though he pretends he cares for god so I know the feeling of not having a decent father figure now I just try to do right for god and he in turn strengthens me with resolve and wisdom and yep im a tad perfectionist and I constantly dont sleep great but when I do it helps me calm down from random thoughts as you described it bugs me too to have so many weird dumb or random thoughts conjoin ive found that focusing your mind on cheery stuff helps to not spiral out of control like on top of being a slight perfectionist I have an extensive and accurate memory that allows me to recall nearly any movie,song, or game ive viewed or played so my best way to deal with all this is to just think of a funny or happy scene or song and play it over and over in my head so that im in control overall of what I think of instead of worrying too much and as far as a father relationship with god just try to think on that god is patient and no one is perfect and you can always ask for his help with prayer for all of us cannot go through life alone and with god we are never alone and he loves you just the way you are so dont worry about change more of think of what in your life to rearrange and god will not leave you so dont fear that just do your best for him and youll do him proud the first step is letting go of control and letting god guide you instead of you trying to do everything yourself then and only then can you establish a father relationship with god for you are his child so let him help you and guide you and youll let go of the past and embrace a bright future whilst walking alongside god all the way though true enough you must believe on his son that he is your savior then as it written shall it come to pass that all that believeth on jesus' name is a new creation the old is past the new is come so in the end youll have both a loving brother and a just father.