So, it's simple but extremely committal.
To learn to love yourself one needs to place their foundational premise in living in and thru Christ. Thus, also realizing that your flesh died on the Cross with Christ; and now the commitment part, scratch that; the extreme commitment part!! - you must use your own will to die to the right to yourself, yet still, even though you understand and believe your flesh was put to death on the Cross of Christ.. You must commit to living according to the Spirit and not live by the flesh at all! Ever again!
Ouch! Right?! Yep, that's a very loving thing to do for yourself, despite the kick in the teeth it gives you at first.... For now your life and reasonings in association to having real insight into yourself will change from your intellect and wisdom, to His real intellect, which is not at all the same as your own reasoning, and His Wisdom that blows common sense out the door! So, literally your life itself will change completely as well as your view on loving yourself.. So, to get to your answer successfully, you will have to go thru the totality of this process. Otherwise you will just be putting bandaids on a death wound.
In baptism we acknowledge our death, and also a New reborn life given to us thru believing and receiving Christ into our lives and following up with living by way of the Holy Spirit and living in our newly enlivened spirit over the (still and always dead) flesh. We are announcing our tearing up of our World System-club membership card we have so long been apart of so far, and staking a claim on the one hand, and disemboweling our connection to the other. The death, and evil influences are yet around but not in power; namely our flesh, and the anti-god spirit (satan).
Jesus says, "I am the way, the Truth, and the Life...So in everything our body now does and is given to is what the Holy Spirit directs us to do by way of intuition and by way of His Word coupled by our intuition of the Holy Spirit which resides within our deepest part of our lives, our spirit.His Word is active and alive able to separate Spirit and soul (Soul, being the part of yourself that is yourself in emotion, and volitional will, and thinking) . Thus, in essence, the Word bears life.. The word: Teaches us, and rebukes us, and corrects us, and trains us. As we hear, and read, and study and apply, and memorize, and meditate on His Word we are transformed in thought and in deeds.
We go to put to death the things of the flesh now as our goal, and practice getting better unto good at living by way of our spirit giving transformative differences to our body thru the control of the Holy Spirits guidance. You see there is now a spiritual battle going on for your soul. satan wants it back, and for you to live by the flesh, (the dead flesh), and not by another spirt's ownership you will return to the old contract of sin immediately. So, understanding you were bought at a price, God owns you, but God is not satan, He will give you life and that more abundantly. He will give you His Best and will never settle for your good enough, expecting you now to live by The Holy Spirit guiding your spirit only..
Naughty Flesh! Actually evil flesh and anti-god spirit! ...You two get back down there ya here?! Smile.
So, to love myself will never be able to be said as such: "I have self-love." For loving oneself is never to be found in self at all. But to be given a New life in Christ, His love replaces self love and all that He is in me, thus, you become Christ-like, and therefore lovable, very well deserving to love yourself as in boasting in the Lord.. -
One must die to the right to yourself and let God love you His way over your own way, creating a properly aligned love which is worthy of loving yourself in Christ. We must all love ourselves in this way. It is as easy as that in doctrine, but in practice and experience it is grueling and tumultuous, yet all the while God will give you peace and confidence in Himself and in His purposes and intentions. It's a transference process, and a transformational process. the actual committing to that plan or not in you will be tested, and yet thru those tests you will grow in perseverance and Character as well in Christ. Your New Creation will begin to shine, your re-birth will be less and less remorseful of the loss of your old dead man, and you will be more and more delighted with the New man (or woman); even to the point of loving dearly yourself!
So, get that self-love a going ! Smile.