Rossella, Your family is like many who think they are secure in the church but not following the Lord. Many are thought to get saved, "Believe on the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved." it's also written, "For we are saved id we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end. Are these 2 verses saying the same thing? According to the second verse you are not yet saved either you have not yet finished your course. Can you solve the riddle?
I will not leave you in the dark and will explain, but would like your thoughts at this time. What are you thinking, if you have not solved the puzzle don't feel bad most Christians think they are already saved by Grace. If we read again with emphasis on word meaning instead of mental ascent as believing, you will find the 2 verses are saying the same thing. Some get mad because it takes away their eternal security, of living in their comfort zone, but its not meant to take away our secure place in Christ, but to face that being saved: we don't stay the way we are. I believe that your honest and understand this.
Believe (follow) Jesus and you shall (security is remaining in Him whom we follow and implied in shall) be saved.
What would cause someone to fall from grace when nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ, why is there a falling away prophesied before the end: many shall be offended and shall betray one another to death. The answer is between the lines, can you see it. For if you forgive not, neither will your Father in heaven forgive you. Refusing to walk in Love is rejecting the Holy Ghost. Please don't forget I want your thoughts, I'm already posting this in another discussion eternal security as well. Your brother Ray
I will not leave you in the dark and will explain, but would like your thoughts at this time. What are you thinking, if you have not solved the puzzle don't feel bad most Christians think they are already saved by Grace. If we read again with emphasis on word meaning instead of mental ascent as believing, you will find the 2 verses are saying the same thing. Some get mad because it takes away their eternal security, of living in their comfort zone, but its not meant to take away our secure place in Christ, but to face that being saved: we don't stay the way we are. I believe that your honest and understand this.
Believe (follow) Jesus and you shall (security is remaining in Him whom we follow and implied in shall) be saved.
What would cause someone to fall from grace when nothing can separate us from the Love of Christ, why is there a falling away prophesied before the end: many shall be offended and shall betray one another to death. The answer is between the lines, can you see it. For if you forgive not, neither will your Father in heaven forgive you. Refusing to walk in Love is rejecting the Holy Ghost. Please don't forget I want your thoughts, I'm already posting this in another discussion eternal security as well. Your brother Ray