I dont know what to do. Been with him for 15 years, have 3 wonderful children, but he wont change. He moved out 3 weeks ago and is begging to come back home, but hasnt changed. This is the 3rd time he has had to move out over these things. In the beginning I blamed myself, I thought he wasnt interested in me sexually because I wasnt pretty enough or becuase I wasnt good in bed. Later I thought he must have a low sex drive or maybe he is gay. Now I know that he is addicted to porn and masturbation and that he prefers this to having sex with me. I have lived this for 15 years. Im 30 years old, im an attractive woman and he's just not into me sexually. He takes prescription pills, gets them off the street and hides them. He smoked pot for years and then traded this habit for the pills. He lies to me about the porn and pills and has destroyed my trust in him. We are both christains and he believes that these habits are bad but divorcing over them are not justified according to God. We go to church together, but after church when he leaves home he's right back at it again, and of course he just denies it all. He wants to come back home but he hasnt changed, he's in complete denial about all of this. I dont even understand why he wants to be married, he's very satisfied with pleasing himself so I know he isnt missing out on sex, and he hates the fact that I have no tolerence for drugs and lies. So what does he want from me?? Ive prayed and prayed for God to change him or for God to change me so that I can accept his behavior or for God to just put it in his heart to let me go. What should I do?? He seems so clueless, he thinks that because he has good intentions (he wants to quit drugs, porn, lies, and masturbation) but he doesnt quit. It's like he likes the idea of being a good christain man, a good husband and father and he thinks that someday he'll get there but when will that be, how does someone just put something like that off?? And how long am i supposed to wait, ive been waiting for 15 years and its always the same. please help.......