Men are unique beings. They carry a LOT of burden, whether warranted or not. Many men feel their job and being able to support their family (or families as the case seems to be) is their "face" (as in "saving face"). I wonder though, when your husband is secure in normal life, is he this demanding, distrustful, childish and selfish (I don't need an answer, but you do)?
If not then tread lightly and let him process all these changes.
If he is normally so childish, then yes I think you're being manipulated and have been manipulated since (before) you were married.
I don't know your husband or the full story to know what to advise you other than to offer prayer. And to recommend you and your husband pray together over this situation. Regardless if he will pray with you or not, pray over your husband for security, peace, clarification and guidance for you both.