I want to apologize for the long posts.
I would like to thank the creators of and mods on Christian Chat for this forum. It is such a Great Blessing. I see this site as a place of Ministry, Worship and Healing. Thank You for your hard work keeping it going.
I would like to thank everyone who has read through this thread and offered up Divinely Inspired replies. I am Truly Humbled by your love and concern, as we are taught to strengthen and also to admonish our Spiritual Family.
For those of you who are in this thread because you are going through a similar situation, whatever side of the situation you are on, I am sorry. I cry with you. It is Important to me that you know that even if you are not posting, I am Praying down strongholds in your situations. Praying that The Holy Spirit Purify and wipe the tears off your cheeks and mire off of your situations. That this serve, if nothing else, to Encourage your Spiritual growth, despite the pain you feel at this time. Know that you are the apple of The Almighty's eye and He Wants the very best for you:
"For The L-RD your G-d is a merciful G-d; He Will not abandon or destroy you or forget the Covenant with your forefathers, which He Confirmed to them by oath" (Deut 4:31).
With the pain comes redemption. We cannot pass the test without being tested. When we pass the test, we get the Victory and He Gets the Glory:
"This third I Will bring into the fire (the third that was left); I Will Refine them like silver and Test them like gold. They will call on My Name and I Will Answer them; I Will Say, 'They are My People,' and they will say, 'The L-RD is our G-d'" (Yes, He Is) (Zech 13:9).
He Wants to see what we're made of in every situation.
"See, I Have Refined you, though not as silver; I Have Tested you in the furnace of affliction" (Is 48:10).
Bless all and each and every one of you, even those of you just browsing.
I would like to thank the creators of and mods on Christian Chat for this forum. It is such a Great Blessing. I see this site as a place of Ministry, Worship and Healing. Thank You for your hard work keeping it going.
I would like to thank everyone who has read through this thread and offered up Divinely Inspired replies. I am Truly Humbled by your love and concern, as we are taught to strengthen and also to admonish our Spiritual Family.
For those of you who are in this thread because you are going through a similar situation, whatever side of the situation you are on, I am sorry. I cry with you. It is Important to me that you know that even if you are not posting, I am Praying down strongholds in your situations. Praying that The Holy Spirit Purify and wipe the tears off your cheeks and mire off of your situations. That this serve, if nothing else, to Encourage your Spiritual growth, despite the pain you feel at this time. Know that you are the apple of The Almighty's eye and He Wants the very best for you:
"For The L-RD your G-d is a merciful G-d; He Will not abandon or destroy you or forget the Covenant with your forefathers, which He Confirmed to them by oath" (Deut 4:31).
With the pain comes redemption. We cannot pass the test without being tested. When we pass the test, we get the Victory and He Gets the Glory:
"This third I Will bring into the fire (the third that was left); I Will Refine them like silver and Test them like gold. They will call on My Name and I Will Answer them; I Will Say, 'They are My People,' and they will say, 'The L-RD is our G-d'" (Yes, He Is) (Zech 13:9).
He Wants to see what we're made of in every situation.
"See, I Have Refined you, though not as silver; I Have Tested you in the furnace of affliction" (Is 48:10).
Bless all and each and every one of you, even those of you just browsing.