Thanks for offering to share your perspective.
I have no doubt that some ‘mental illness’ is actually spiritual, but I also think much is physical in root cause… a result of the Fall like every physical malady. Some on this board vigorously disagree. What is your view?
I have no doubt that some ‘mental illness’ is actually spiritual, but I also think much is physical in root cause… a result of the Fall like every physical malady. Some on this board vigorously disagree. What is your view?
Physical issues most certainly may cause mental issues. I agree.
I once helped a man who appeared to be having a psychotic breakdown: he was mumbling and saying fanciful things. Turned out he had a high fever due to an internal infection. Once the fever cleared he was back to normal.
I often say, as I have learned through years of observation, that what we can see and measure helps us understand the unseen. We are actually given the seen to understand the unseen. With mental illness this is no different. Sometimes mental illness is a result of a mindset or a deficiency or a perceived threat or a physical malady, etc. Whatever the reason, at their core is that we live in a fallen world. The world we live in is BOTH physical and spiritual. This is why Jesus addressed the people this way:
"If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?"
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