Nor do I assume you agree with it either. Your comments suggest a neutrality that in of itself is healthy. I see Scripture saying the opposite; that neutrality or passive living in Christ is not healthy, in fact it is dangerous.. We must all work out our own Salvation in counting the costs etc. But it never says to include evil with God's goodness and let people be influenced to which is best. That's just giving ground to the enemy, and Satan is God's enemy via Satan's rebellion, for He is anti- (God). I am not here to ruffle anything, I'm just learning more about you, as I am also letting you know more about me. And hopefully letting God be raised in the room intentionally as well.
Satan loves a passive Christian. He loves thinking and doing pretentious Christian work for us.
Satan loves a passive Christian. He loves thinking and doing pretentious Christian work for us.
You go ahead and think that. I don't care anymore.