juliak04, unfortunately there are so many cyber bullies & trolls actively assaulting Christian sites that I don't think you're going to really come to a peaceful conclusion on this thread.
Here's why: I did some research this week regarding cyber bullying & trolling and found there were MANY sites that literally teach agnostics, atheists and Christian haters how to troll and make a mockery out of Christian forums and chat rooms. One of their favorite ways to create chaos in a forum is to post a controversial question regarding "women being weaker" or "once saved always saved" or "will my homosexual brother go to hell", etc., etc. Anything that is sure to get a rise out of Christians and everyone at each others' throats.
All those cyber bullies have to do is go into old posts here and see which ones have caused the most heated debates so they can dredge them up again and sit back & laugh at the "stupid Christians" who take the bait and run with it. They'll even search for scriptures posted in previous threads that have caused conflict and are most effective in starting horrid debates. It's an endless game for them.
I honestly can't say I blame them because it's a guarantee they'll be entertained. Christians are snagged into it every single time. Hardly anyone reports it, members keep feeding the trolls, and it snowballs on & on into a big useless debate.
If you're sincerely concerned about a matter, I advise you to seek God on it, not man. Trust the Lord to perform His will in your life and He will make the difference in the world. It's not by might nor power, but by God's Spirit.
By the way, welcome to Christian Chat.