I have a 14 year old brother, 11, 13, and 9 year old male cousins, and they are starting to believe that they are superior to all females. They started with this argument that men are more emotionally stable (In so many less complex words) and physically stronger. Me and my 9 year old sister started arguing back and then they finally came up with the argument that since Adam was created first and Eve was created for Adam that females are inferior to males. After that, me and my sister couldn't come up with anything so we left the room. I've thought about this before, years ago, and never really had an answer for myself. Just read your bible and believe it. You do not want to get sucked into the feminist death cult. Shun your cousins, whenever a man or a woman starts that talk it is the sin of pride. Your a born again bible believing christian.......... then avoid these types of debates and people. Read about the prophetess Huldah, then Deborah, Sara, Rahab etc. Do not get sucked into the feminist death cult........ it is exactly that, a death cult. Shun the wicked around you, Jesus Christ is King - LION OF JUDAH - IIIIIIIAre males superior because of the fact that Adam was created first? And...
If males are superior, what does that really mean for females?
If males are superior, what does that really mean for females?