If the person admits to the sin and turns from it then you are to forgive just as Christ did. However having a spouse not admitting to the problem/sin and turning from it and that sin causes you to stumble back into sin then you should separate yourself from the problem. NOTICE I said separate not divorce. We are not of this world and as such we are to hold ourselves separate from it. Kind of hard to do that when you are dealing with an unrepentant spouse that sees nothing wrong and you add children to the mix.
As far as my "Christian" standing goes, Christ knows my heart and that is all you need to worry about.
As far as my "Christian" standing goes, Christ knows my heart and that is all you need to worry about.
1 Pet 3:1-2
Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, 2 when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear.
This says to stay with an unbelieving spouse and win them over by ones' own actions in working on oneself to show Jesus to them. Any sin problem that is in someone is not because of their spouse, it is because of themselves. Yeah it might be a bit easier, if that is not in front of you because your spouse is doing that sin, but that's where one's relationship with Jesus has to come in to overcome, nobody said it was easy. But if everybody would separate from their spouse, because of every little bit of difficulty (here even ones' own problems) then we would have a big mess in our families, in our churches, worse than it is now.
And couples separating like that mostly does lead to divorce eventually, that's statistic. If you go that far, then satan has an easy target to do the rest and totally destroy that marriage - divide and conquer!
This kind of advice you can give to people that are just in a friendship but not in a marriage!
As Christians we can't give advice nor do or believe things that are contrary to God's word just because we think or feel something is right, since that is rebellion and sin. It always has to measure up to God's word.
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