Their behavior caused an offence. Paul wrote that he would rather not eat anything than to cause an offense, and while he was talking about Christian liberty, the idea applies here. They took liberty with the church facility, and caused an offense
I believe in the unity of the body of believers, especially, in a local body they should be unified and inclusive. Practicing the action of loving each other, excluding folks is not loving them.
Totally disagree. Excluding others doesn't equate to not loving them. Such a notion is ridiculous and callow. It's leftism IMHO. "Everybody should have gotten a participation trophy!"
I don't think that what Peter was doing was any different than what this op was talking about. He was being party to fellowshipping with one group at the exclusion of another group; one group being the preferred clique and the others treated as lesser.
It's completely different...and you're misusing Scripture. Nothing in Galatians is about not being invited to the party. Not even close. No one was treated as lesser than any other person, but you'd certainly bring that up to the church and murmur.
If the op felt left out or separated it is division.
Boo-hoo. It's called being juvenile. Actually it would be you causing the division by complaining and murmuring about not being invited.
And while I may have over stated my position , I found it rather sickening that one person who wanted simply to excuse an offence layed accusation back onto the op, who actually has a valid point. That being Facilities are supported by the church so if it is not a church function do it elsewhere. Or at least get the support of the body first. You know those schmucks that pay the bills. May be they ought to have at least asked if it were ok to have a private function. Something like say , so and so family would like to have a private family event up here at the facility, as their home is too small for the numbers of people attending, it wouldn't be open to the whole church but they would appreciate the use of the facilities, all in favor say I ... Opposed neigh. Thank you for your support. Blah what ever.
Yes, you're offended over it, and would cause an uproar in a church over it, sowing discord, causing division, declaring your right to be invited too. lolzzz...
It is very sad to me that the church body acts as if there is no further connection between each other than we come up to the meeting house for a motivational speech on Sunday and smaller speaches on Wednesday.
I was quoting an ex gang member who left church because when he joined the church he was looking for a family unit. It was his words I didn't think that street gangs act more as a family than the family of God. And his words are true. It's true we go to church on Sunday and that about it the rest is treated as an autonomous life. It's my goal to work toward changing that.
Your gang member illustration is apples and oranges. Lot's of emotionalism, and hurt feeling for nought, and nothing biblical to support it other than you would have felt left out too if you were there and would cause a stink over it in the body just like the Corinthians.
In the above you're taking Scripture out of context...and overreacting. This is why churches have problems, people think so highly of themselves if they're not invited they get butthurt over it.
It's callow. You're probably going to get offended about his because you want to; What you are propagating is the same ideology leftism is propagating, everything has to be "fair" or others will whine about it, always trying to find something to be offended about.
"That's not fair!" We did this, when, in Kindergarten then (hopefully) grew up? Why in the world would we need to revert to juvenile behavior because we're now in Church and supposed to be mature in Christ?
At least a couple in here got it right, just congratulate the others over it and go on with your life, it's nothing to be offended about.
It's time the church grew up and stopped acting carnal and callow. It's my goal to work toward changing that.