You know, when I was a child, about 8 years old, I told my mom I wanted to be a white witch. I had read a kid's book in the new public school library about witches that a white witch was a good witch. I was not referring to Empress Jadis from Narnia Chronicles, but white witchcraft was suppose to be good magic, or white magic, it is good magic. I had not yet read in the Bible that God hated witchcraft or the part that witches should be put to death and that those that practiced magic and sorcery would go to hell. I had no idea magic was outlawed by God. I grew up in a Christian family going to southern bpatist churches was born in 1980 and went to a strict fundamentalist hristian private school when I was little starting with preschool at 3 or 4 years old. WHen I was 8 I started third grade in public school, I was lied to at the private school about public schools, the public elementary school was very nice, very different, as a matter of fact better than crappy Community Christian.
SO, i was an innocent child, and I would rather be a fairy princess than a witch, witch has such negative associations, so I thought I ould say good sorceress or good enchantress, or mage, magician, what would you call a female wizard? wizardess? I thought you had to be born a fairy, they were a magical, ethereal race and had wings, many of them were tiny but some are human sized. There were fairy godnmothers, maybe I am like a fairy godmother, but I have no child to help, no Cinderellas to mentor.
I read Bible stories, the kid versions, and liked the one about Joseph, Ruth, and Queen Esther. The Esther story was my favorite becasue it was glamorous, like Cinderella.
I love fairy tales and I like to read unheard of ones from different cultures around the world. As a child I had no evil intentions with wanting to ractice magic, I wanted to do something like end world hunger by creating magic crops that grew in abundance, huge vegetables and fruit that were immune to disease and filled barren fields aos that everybody could eat them. And I would make sources of fresh water for the poor all around the world and heal the damaged environment of the earth that has been ravaged by polluters.
I wanted to make the world a better place, clean up the mess and pollution, and end world hunger, maybe bring about world peace. What is wrong with that? Oh yeah, I know-
Only God can do those things, and I am not God. But in my imagication, the world is beautiful and there is no ugly trash and devestation, no starving children or muggers, murderers and rapists, no terrorists and slums, no bad stories on the news, no rude, mean hateful people, no fire ants o biting mosquioes and cokroaches, no dirty dishes to clean, no sickness, no pain, no endless waiting no loneliness or sadness, no tears or anger or bad memeroies to haunt you, nobody angry and yelling at you, no longing for something you can't have, longing for love and friendhsip that's out of reach longing to go to places you can't afford to go.
THat's why people want magic, but what they really need is God. God's miracles is the true magic. When Jesus Christ came to earth and he healed people and cast out demons, he was accused of being sorcerer in league with the demons. But Jesus said, "a kingdom divided against itself will not stand." That is why Satan does not do good. If you ever catch a "witch" doing good stuff like healing people, helping people, feeding the hungry, sheltering the poor, performing exorcisms and casting out demons, helping build homes for the homeless, cleaning up the raodsides and public places like parks, they may do it a little bit to look good and get people on their side, but the ones who really do these good deeds are Christians.
There are many evil cults in the world today, and they teach the same old serpent's lie the Devil told Eve and Adam, Do this and you will become like god, you will become a god. It is true we should imitate Jesus Christ, but remember that He thought equality to god nothing and humbled himself to a slave and crimminal's death on the cross to set us free from Satan's power of sin. We must take up our cross and abandon the world if we are to follow him. And the enchanted world I long for is heaven, my true home, I hold it in my heart, that one day the wrongs and evils of this world will be made right, all things will be made new.