My experience with the whole porn thing is similar to yours. My husband is addicted to porn BAD, i didnt find out about his porn addiction till after we were married. The constant hiding and lying and just... it got so out of control. And then last year he cheated on me. Everyday i still feel so down graded and just... i feel everything he tells me or everything he does for me is just a lie or he is trying to cover up his own guilt by buying me stuff. I mean i am still married to him, but the anger, and the just........ i cant even explain to you how i feel. Or what is going on in my marriage. I question myself a lot about is this how marriage is supposed to be. The communication channel closed shortly after i had our first son. And till then its been just devastating, My husband has a lot of addictions. Porn, Gaming, and sex. And ive told him and told him and told him how bad it hurts me. Till this day i do not trust my husband. And since he has cheated on me the porn is the last of my concerns now. Now my biggest concerns are is he going to buy ANOTHER cell phone and hide it at work from me AGAIN so he can talk to some girl. Or when he mentions a girl from work it makes me wonder. And i am a stay home mom and i have a lot of time on my hands to "wonder" and believe me my mind does get the best of me at times. When i bring up God to him or any sort he shuts me down faster than a corvet. He flat out told me he does not want anything to do with God, and he will not have God in our marriage. But funny thing is he doesnt know God is already in our marriage and the God i serve is full of miracles. And yes i do ask myself if i should leave and get a divorce because of how un happy i am and how i do not trust him any more. But i believe the reason i have not left is bc i am scared to be alone, And since he has every single thing in his name, including bank account and he will not add me to anything, and i have no family here for what so ever. So i cant just pick up and go. My kids come first no matter what. And just being there for my kids letting them know everything is going to be okay. Well id rather see them happy than put myself in a position to lose my kids forever and them not be happy bc i am not there. I fee also if i left my husband will get the kids and he will custody. After being married to my husband and seeing how much he involves our 2 boys and helps take care of them. Im sorry but i do not trust him if he got custody of the kids. Im scared he will be on his game 247 and go to work and not pay any attention to our 2 boys.. Anyways.... there is alot more but u get the picture i know how it feels about the porn and all that. I cant put my guard down, ive been hurt way to much. But all i can do is pray