what should I do , he kept asking me about trinity and stuff (If Jesus is god why is he praying) . also about where is dinosaur place in the bible . who is god and who created him , can you please tell me what I should do ? how can i answer this question?
I'll pray for him. The Trinity is hard to understand (maybe even impossible for humans to completely understand). One thing that might make it easier is to have him think of it like a three leaf clover. Each of the leaves is part of the clover, but each is something else, as well. Likewise each member of the Trinity is the same in one aspect yet different in another. Each is God, but each has different attributes as the other. I think Charles Spurgeon wrote an essay on the Trinity, which can be found relatively cheap on Amazon Kindle (or maybe free on the Internet).
Since each person in the Trinity is a person, there is no reason they shouldn't be able to speak to one another. The Bible shows a clear hierarchy, with God the Father at the top, so naturally the Son would submit to the Father, praying to Him.
As for dinosaurs, that's up for debate. Job mentions two creatures that could be dinosaurs (Job 40, 41) and Genesis mentions large creatures in the oceans. Jonah also never refers to the sea creature that swallows Jonah as a whale, but as a great fish. I'm not sure when it became widely known that whales were mammals and not fish, so it could have referred to a whale, some other huge fish, or even a dinosaur. However, these references aren't exact and no human can prove any of them refer to dinosaurs. Why didn't God make it clearer? That's something only He can answer, but I'm guessing it simply wasn't important. Dinosaurs today are viewed with excitement, but back then they would have just been another species of animals. The Bible also (to my knowledge) never mentions the python or multiple types of big cats, but we know they exist. We don't think the Bible is irrelevant because they didn't mention them. We just understand that the main purpose of the Bible wasn't to list every animal that ever existed.
As for who created God, well no one. He simply was, is, and is to come. That might not seem like a satisfactory answer and I know it's a bit frustrating, because the obvious question is, well if God doesn't need creating then how can you say the very existence of creatures is evidence for God? However, every scientific theory I've ever heard regarding a creatorless universe involved something that wasn't created. The difference between these theories and Christianity is that their theories have this uncreated matter as mindless. Maybe a primitive life form, but usually nothing that can think for itself. These mindless things through years and years of scientific processes created a myriad of complex life forms and inanimate objects, including life forms that could puzzle over their own creation. Could this have happened? No human knows because we can't observe it. We'd need to have the original material in the exact same environment the earth would have been in this theory then have scientists just watch it for millions of years, recording their observations. But the probability that every single twist and turn necessary for life to develop would happen, and every possible catastrophe would be avoided (because the wild isn't like a controlled lab) is phenomenal. I don't have the exact numbers and I'm not a scientist, but the chances of that happening are incredibly unlikely. God though, exists outside of probability, outside of physics, outside of chemistry. The only things He can't do are things that would make Him not God. It's more likely that someone with a will and intelligence created the universe because the probability of someone doing something is at it's most basic level 50/50. Before the beginning of time, when God was all that existed, either He would create the universe or He wouldn't create the universe were the only choices. Sure, because He has certain attributes it would be more likely that He chose one option over the other, but those are the core options. The theory of the Big Bang and Evolution involves, does this particle explode, or doesn't it? Does the resulting thing divide or doesn't it? What out of x amount of options will the resulting two life forms do? Will there be a sudden burst of fire? A sudden flood? Will this life form be able to survive? For those theories to work, there would have been innumerable things that had to occur just right to result in life as we know it and I just don't buy that it happened the way some scientists claimed it must have happened.