The 12 step program may have started out having something to do with God. Now it's merely "something to do with any higher power." Many who go merely replace their addiction with an addiction to 12 Steps. True, a healthier addiction, but still not closer to God.[/QUOTE]
Hello Lynn. Have you read what is known as the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous? Written in 1939 (if I am remembering correctly), it is the prototype of every twelve step program that ensued in the following decades. God does not just have "something to do with" the program of recovery, but is the central subject, (except perhaps in rational recovery, developed by those people who think themselves too smart for God and therefore illogically have removed the solution from the solution). There is a chapter to the agnostic. It is true that many newcomers are uncomfortable with the mere mention of the word God, so people are allowed to call God a Higher Power, and given permission to have this power to be anything they conceive of it to be (God as they understand God), while encouraging a fearless and searching moral inventory, including looking at their beliefs about God, to assess the damage of a life run on self will. In other words, they need to start with where they are at with God. A preamble is read at the many meetings, taken from the fifth chapter of the Big Book where the steps are laid out and expounded upon. Here is what is stated in this preamble at the beginning of most AA meetings~ Without help it is too much for us. But there is One who has all power-that One is God. May you find Him now! Half measures availed us nothing. We stood at the turning point. We asked His protection and care with complete abandon. Here are the steps we took... The preamble ends with making clear three pertinent ideas:
(a) That we were alcoholic and could not manage our own lives.
(b) That probably no human power could have relieved our alcoholism.
(c) That God could and would if He were sought.
That not everyone recovers is a sad fact. Some people get some recovery and then relapse, and some commit suicide. Always the problem is laid out as a matter of not having God in our lives. Always God is presented as the solution. The disease is the enemy of life, cunning, baffling, and powerful. They do not call it Satan, but from a Christian perspective, they might as well.
Hello Lynn. Have you read what is known as the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous? Written in 1939 (if I am remembering correctly), it is the prototype of every twelve step program that ensued in the following decades. God does not just have "something to do with" the program of recovery, but is the central subject, (except perhaps in rational recovery, developed by those people who think themselves too smart for God and therefore illogically have removed the solution from the solution). There is a chapter to the agnostic. It is true that many newcomers are uncomfortable with the mere mention of the word God, so people are allowed to call God a Higher Power, and given permission to have this power to be anything they conceive of it to be (God as they understand God), while encouraging a fearless and searching moral inventory, including looking at their beliefs about God, to assess the damage of a life run on self will. In other words, they need to start with where they are at with God. A preamble is read at the many meetings, taken from the fifth chapter of the Big Book where the steps are laid out and expounded upon. Here is what is stated in this preamble at the beginning of most AA meetings~ Without help it is too much for us. But there is One who has all power-that One is God. May you find Him now! Half measures availed us nothing. We stood at the turning point. We asked His protection and care with complete abandon. Here are the steps we took... The preamble ends with making clear three pertinent ideas:
(a) That we were alcoholic and could not manage our own lives.
(b) That probably no human power could have relieved our alcoholism.
(c) That God could and would if He were sought.
That not everyone recovers is a sad fact. Some people get some recovery and then relapse, and some commit suicide. Always the problem is laid out as a matter of not having God in our lives. Always God is presented as the solution. The disease is the enemy of life, cunning, baffling, and powerful. They do not call it Satan, but from a Christian perspective, they might as well.