Notice, I SPECIFICALLY didn't want to talk about the sexuality of the fathers because you and people like you are extremely immature and can't have a conversation about child birth without talking about sexual sin. I asked a specific theological question and other people answered it.
Also, I'm a New Testament kind of guy. And no where in the New Testament does it even mention homosexuality in a way that talks about consenting adults who love each other and not pagan Temple prostitutes or rape (Romans 1.) In the original Greek, there are words for homosexuality and same-sex attraction. those words were purposely not used because Paul was talking about sins of having sex with oracles of Roman gods to "commune" with the deities they believe in. So I don't believe God had anything bad to say about gay marriage as it exists today. The story of Lot was because those crazy people tried to RAPE angels, not have consensual sex with them. And Leviticus was filled with laws for Jews at that time in that place.
Your disgust with the gay parents of my sister's baby is your own, not God's. People like you are the reason kids of gay parents have such a problem in life. If someone was in my ear since I was 6 telling me my parents were evil and I shouldn't be raised by them, I'd probably be crazy, too.
Also, I'm a New Testament kind of guy. And no where in the New Testament does it even mention homosexuality in a way that talks about consenting adults who love each other and not pagan Temple prostitutes or rape (Romans 1.) In the original Greek, there are words for homosexuality and same-sex attraction. those words were purposely not used because Paul was talking about sins of having sex with oracles of Roman gods to "commune" with the deities they believe in. So I don't believe God had anything bad to say about gay marriage as it exists today. The story of Lot was because those crazy people tried to RAPE angels, not have consensual sex with them. And Leviticus was filled with laws for Jews at that time in that place.
Your disgust with the gay parents of my sister's baby is your own, not God's. People like you are the reason kids of gay parents have such a problem in life. If someone was in my ear since I was 6 telling me my parents were evil and I shouldn't be raised by them, I'd probably be crazy, too.
As to you being a new testament person, doesn't matter. New or old, God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If He hated it in the old He hates it in the new, simple. And it is in the new testament, it is very clear and easy to see and understand if you aren't holding to some theology.
I could prove that Jesus was gay by twisting scripture.
Joh 11:5 Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.
Joh 11:35 Jesus wept.
Joh 11:36 Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!
I could twist the word 'love' and make it look whatever way I want, if I am not interested in the truth. But, you will not see this, for you are sold into believing that having two men for parents is okay.
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