Oh and to everyone..thanks for all your concern.. the kids have not been in his presence alone in months...but it just feels really stressful because there is this expectation and hope from my husband that we will be The Brady Bunch...and I was hoping that also...but it has been a real struggle...but now he is at a point where he feels like the separation has been long enough and I just don't know if you can put an expiration stamp on something like that and say when there has been enough time away. I would have to see and hear some really different things from his son than what I have seen and heard in the past before I would ever feel comfortable enough to let him come over and stay the night...Oh and for whoever asked earlier..when he would come over, we would go to baseball games, restaurants, parks, church, we were planning to take him on a cruise with us but his mom wouldn't let him miss school (which is understandable and now I'm glad about it), but we would do many things and even let him pick some things for us to do... we have a music studio and after I found out he beat his brother up and actually asked his smaller brother to hold the camera on him while he did it...i forgave him and we all moved on and I wrote him a song that his dad made music to and we let him record it in the studio. He had always wanted to do that... we treat him very well and so i really don't understand this stuff... there have been times when I knew he was probably jealous and so i sympathized with that but I can't let him get away with any and every things for the sake of his feelings are hurt... meanwhile his brothers' are being PHYSICALLY hurt.