I thought about how to title this post but I just had to be truthful.
my wife is a Christian, a very attractive lady, athletic, and a great mom to the kids but she is a pig pen.
She never ever puts things away, starts projects and leaves everything out, her car smells like food garbage, she is a hoarder and saves everything.
I have resigned myself to excepting this of her and embracing it by being helpful. But it is tiring and it brings a real lack of peace to have so much clutter in our home.
It appears you've received a whole lot of views, a few of which required that you provide further details, how/when did it all start... and I suppose that by now you feel you've got an idea how to move forward.
However if not, if you're still "wondering"? Then here's my take:
Try and change your thinking from "who" does (or doesn't do) what... change it from "who" to "what". I mean: "What" needs to be done, and consider this approach as the beginning point of all things in your home and your car(s).
Question: "What is it that needs to be taken care of?"
Answer: "The mess in the house."
From that point, what must follow is action. You will put on your chores-gear and get to work. But suppose you're tired; then you'll contact a house-cleaning company in your town and pay a few dollars to get the world done. And if you're tired and you don't have the money to spend. Speak to your wife and say: "Hun? The house is so messy, I am tired, and I don't have money to hire someone. Can you help? Please?" If you're lucky she'll do it. And if she doesn't, then you'll keep thinking and come up with a whole bunch of other possible solutions. (maybe call a buddy, maybe decide to rest for 6 hours and get up refreshed to get it done, maybe this, maybe that...)
Bottom line being: Something needs to be taken care of. So? Well, it
will be taken care of. Doesn't matter by whom.