It was not but thank that you share the temporary condition of yours
Anyway it was my trial to do a bit ironical note about the claims of the protestants they are saved. I do not know what is your case and would not ask! I believe that the salvation is a gift which God gave us... the problem is what we are doing with it after receiving it I would not claim I am save - I only hope I am but also I must be very careful me to do the right thing every day and every minute and to hope I will continue on that way till the end of my earth`s life
So what death is that pages about? Of human body? Or that one which no one of us want to see?
Anyway it was my trial to do a bit ironical note about the claims of the protestants they are saved. I do not know what is your case and would not ask! I believe that the salvation is a gift which God gave us... the problem is what we are doing with it after receiving it I would not claim I am save - I only hope I am but also I must be very careful me to do the right thing every day and every minute and to hope I will continue on that way till the end of my earth`s life
So what death is that pages about? Of human body? Or that one which no one of us want to see?
This morning, few hors back, I had the chance to talk to a couple on ppl my home town just criticizing that wrong teaching that "I´m saved"... One of my ex-inlaw quoted the Bible in that part saying "what your mouth says it will be done..." and, of course, there were few arguing and several pretending the were not listening... That´s up to them to get and grasp the full meaning of that but, what I liked most, it was one of my acquiantances ackowledging the RCC´s teaching misled him to some wrong ideas he believed.
I did my limited shooping, my daughter was (and still has a time with me) in the nearer town, and I hope she gets acquanted with the Lord´s truth.