where Hub and I live, they have what is called 'DAY-LABOR', you just walk-in, and wait
for them to send you to a job, and transportation is usually available, if not by them, then
by another who is there seeking employment and has a car, and you can just pitch-in for gas
and if you have a 'special-trade' with your own tools, you can make more money...
several years ago hub and I had to humble ourselves and do what we had to do to eat, pay bills, etc...
yes, it was very humbling, but we were very grateful and thankful to have been a part of this,
a part of life that sometimes can hit you square in the face when you least expect it.
Jesus always provides a way, if His Hope and Trust is in our hearts...
oh those TESTS, lets us pray that we may always prevail and please Him...