Thank u Lihle.. I have applied for child support,I'm still waiting to hear from them.. Also,I've applied at every possible place u can think of,I'm even considering being a domestic.. Its been really husband and I get called for interviews,but seem to be unsuccessful.. I'm really starting to lose hope and faith...I don't know muchabout christianity, and every time I try to get ask advice no one can give I'm not sure how to fast and pray...I even tried contacting the pastor at. The. Church I use to attend but its been a. Month now and he still hasn't replied.. I'm not asking for money,all I wanted was help in the right direction or for someone to just give me a job, at this point any job for that matter... I'm trying so hard to keep the faith but starting to feel very dispondent.. Its like, not what u know but who u know in order to get a job.. And its either I'm over qualified or under I really don't know anymore