I put my two cents in on a forum thread today (on a secular mom/baby/birth board) about how to handle the topic of homosexuality when your children start to ask questions.
I've been monitoring it all day and reading people's responses to the topic itself and to see what they say about my reply. As you might expect most replies were pro-gay, love is love no matter who it is, blah blah blah. Well, out of 130+ replies so far and at least 80 different people, about 5 of us said that we would stick up for our Biblical roots and teach our children that being gay is something God doesn't approve of...BUT to treat everyone the same regardless. Basically: love the person but not the sin.
So... getting to the topic's title... I do not want to be considered a "Christian" anymore because... of the 75ish other people who were pro-gay and "it's not a choice, just let everyone believe what they want, don't be a homophobe, etc etc" SOOOO many said "I'm a Christian BUT!.." "I'm a Christian BUT.." and most of those ladies went on to say that they only go to churches that teach love and equality to all. Or they are a Christian but they don't go to church or practice anything that they've been taught.
I'm rambling.. but I want a new "name" to go by. All of these extremelyyyyyyyy liberal "Christians" who say that basically they love God but ANYTHING and EVERYTHING goes because God is a god of love and nothing more.. give us all a bad name.
They won't stop calling themselves Christians because they honestly believe that it's okay to be a Christian and follow only the nice, fluffy, rainbowy, love parts of the Bible. So the God-loving, God-fearing folks who realize that all of the Bible is truth and don't pick and choose need something else to go by. (I know none of us are perfect... but come on! God is loving but also jealous and just. There is more to Christianity than God loves everyone... He sure does! But He also wants us to obey certain things so that we can experience every blessing He has in store for us & for us to fulfill His plan for our lives.)
I don't want to be known as a Christian anymore!
Actually, we were not originally called Christians but rather Followers of the Way. The term Christian was first applied to Christ followers in Antioch and get this, it was an insult. The word Christian was a term of scorn used by the pagan or non-believers of that day.
Like many insults Followers of the Way took the meaning of the word, "one like Christ" and used it in a positive manner and over time the use changed from negative to positive. Now I use the word Christian when I post and speak mostly because it is the excepted norm. When I refer to my faith though, I use Follower of the Way.
Personally, I think those that truly love and serve the Lord should drop the "Christian" name and go back to Acts and return to our historical roots in the faith. But I must add a rider to the return of our original designation that we also return to true, biblical, foundational doctrine as it is presented to us in God's Word.
We should never condone sin or try to make light of sin. I don't care is its false witness, adultery, stealing, blasphemy, homosexuality or any other sin. Sin is sin and God said no. We should also stand up for that which God created. Marriage is NOT a human invention but was created by God as a reflection of the fellowship shared in the Godhead. How will we ever be able to wrap out mind around the concept of 1 God but 3 persons if we can't honor marriage which is 1 man and 1 woman, 2 people but 1 flesh.
If standing for the Creator God and holding to His design makes me a homophobe then so be it. At least i am in Good company because God calls called the sexual union of 2 person of the same gender and abomination. Like the Lord I do not hate homosexuals, far from it. When ever I meet one their name goes on my prayer list and my zeal to live as God commands increases.
I have seen many walk away from the homosexual lifestyle so this "I was born this way" line is just that, a line. For what ever reason, and they vary greatly, though in the end it usually comes down to being hurt and badly, people choose to act out this abberation of life. Homosexuality is the epitome of selfishness. The life style brings no positives, no honor to the Lord, no next generation, no high moral standard, nothing. I know of some heterosexual that also qualify. but unlike the heterosexual, the homosexual is trying, if they do accept the gift of salvation, to force sexual perversive sin into the place to be shared by The Holy Spirit. Basically they attempt to force God to accept their sin by joining Him to their sin.
In the end all we can do is speak the truth, to do so in love and to pray for them as we live our faith and get labeled as haters. Ironically, the ones doing the hating are the very ones we are Followers of the Way, are trying to guide away from the wide road and onto the narrow path which leads to heaven.
In Christ,
Bishop SEH