I think a long time ago there was a meeting of the minds, shortly after we were the foremost founding member nation of the Union of Nations.
America, inventors of the most formidable weapon, an earth killer, the nutron or nuclear bomb, would command the lead for a number of generations in all manner of national politics.
I. E education, economics, and so on.
As would be natural when the sole controller of such a weapon.
Then, as would be expected, ''spies'' from competitor nations would arrive at their own capacity to nuke the world. This would them generate the natural next step of Axis and Allies. A world further divided as per usual.
Then after a time America would slowly relinquish her high seat and let her people exchange their place with those lesser nations. Education, economics, and so forth.
The ebb and flow of power balancing that divides the world from the roots up.
In order to achieve this retreat the fabric of Americans had to be made threadbare. A people use to greatness aren't going to settle for regression lightly.
So the moral fabric that was the glue that held us together for over a century had to be compromised.
Whereas the people before thought themselves concomitant in their governance, now they had to be persuaded toward what is today's nanny state syndrome.
I.E ignore governments agents ,manufacturing of a socioeconomic deficit so as to accept and concede the fall is our fault and responsibility. And allow government expansionism under the guise of ''fixing the problem''. (That they manufactured to that end. Yet, most of us ignore this)
Allow that dynamic to grow exponentially and mature every decade to a worse scenario.
Example:The 50's evolved into the free love culture of the 60's. Involving change in every facit of American culture.
Faith wise, the church of Satan published a Bible. A wholly plagiarized amalgum of three different authors, all combined into a time that directly intended to offend the largely Christian faith foundation of America.
Introduce psychedelic drugs into the youth culture. Legal at first. A mind control experiment initiated by governments alphabet entities;CIA, etc....
Basically shake the very foundations of culture formerly known by the now aging generation. Which induces fear in them of the new young acting out generation that ignores the former moral codes of their parents.
After this, it snowballs. Self gratification, materialism, Satanism, for all that means, which is exploiting the carnal nature.
Then after a few decades of, ''if it feels good do it'', insure there's no return to the righteous moral fabric of old that now lays in tatters by injecting a victim nomenclature into society. I.E. Politically Correct verbiage. Which incites further de-Evolution of morality by injecting a prohibition against right language and thought, under the auspices of this being a proper conduct to insure the free love and thought platform seeded in the 60's now mushrooms into tolerance for all things except objection to that degradation slide of society. Disguised of course as hyper mannerism.
I.E the idea you can't say that! Because someone may be offended.
This naturally impacts and limits free thought. Because a people prosecuted for speaking freely against the fall that is inherent in carnal free expression are going to be programmed to limit their thought processes regarding such things, out of fear of persecution, because people typically think before they speak.
Persecute, as example, a person who disagrees Transsexuality is normal by threatening their capacity to earn a living.
As a consequence that victim will alter their opinion, at least in daring to be open about it, because they need to eat.
Silence equals complicity. And as a consequence allows what was formerly intolerable to become tolerable when financial security is at stake.
Basically America is now living the fall out of the old parable of the king and the poisoned well.
The Internet insures the virus spreads world wide at a far faster rate than would have been possible without it.
Just my view. But, you asked. 😉
America, inventors of the most formidable weapon, an earth killer, the nutron or nuclear bomb, would command the lead for a number of generations in all manner of national politics.
I. E education, economics, and so on.
As would be natural when the sole controller of such a weapon.
Then, as would be expected, ''spies'' from competitor nations would arrive at their own capacity to nuke the world. This would them generate the natural next step of Axis and Allies. A world further divided as per usual.
Then after a time America would slowly relinquish her high seat and let her people exchange their place with those lesser nations. Education, economics, and so forth.
The ebb and flow of power balancing that divides the world from the roots up.
In order to achieve this retreat the fabric of Americans had to be made threadbare. A people use to greatness aren't going to settle for regression lightly.
So the moral fabric that was the glue that held us together for over a century had to be compromised.
Whereas the people before thought themselves concomitant in their governance, now they had to be persuaded toward what is today's nanny state syndrome.
I.E ignore governments agents ,manufacturing of a socioeconomic deficit so as to accept and concede the fall is our fault and responsibility. And allow government expansionism under the guise of ''fixing the problem''. (That they manufactured to that end. Yet, most of us ignore this)
Allow that dynamic to grow exponentially and mature every decade to a worse scenario.
Example:The 50's evolved into the free love culture of the 60's. Involving change in every facit of American culture.
Faith wise, the church of Satan published a Bible. A wholly plagiarized amalgum of three different authors, all combined into a time that directly intended to offend the largely Christian faith foundation of America.
Introduce psychedelic drugs into the youth culture. Legal at first. A mind control experiment initiated by governments alphabet entities;CIA, etc....
Basically shake the very foundations of culture formerly known by the now aging generation. Which induces fear in them of the new young acting out generation that ignores the former moral codes of their parents.
After this, it snowballs. Self gratification, materialism, Satanism, for all that means, which is exploiting the carnal nature.
Then after a few decades of, ''if it feels good do it'', insure there's no return to the righteous moral fabric of old that now lays in tatters by injecting a victim nomenclature into society. I.E. Politically Correct verbiage. Which incites further de-Evolution of morality by injecting a prohibition against right language and thought, under the auspices of this being a proper conduct to insure the free love and thought platform seeded in the 60's now mushrooms into tolerance for all things except objection to that degradation slide of society. Disguised of course as hyper mannerism.
I.E the idea you can't say that! Because someone may be offended.
This naturally impacts and limits free thought. Because a people prosecuted for speaking freely against the fall that is inherent in carnal free expression are going to be programmed to limit their thought processes regarding such things, out of fear of persecution, because people typically think before they speak.
Persecute, as example, a person who disagrees Transsexuality is normal by threatening their capacity to earn a living.
As a consequence that victim will alter their opinion, at least in daring to be open about it, because they need to eat.
Silence equals complicity. And as a consequence allows what was formerly intolerable to become tolerable when financial security is at stake.
Basically America is now living the fall out of the old parable of the king and the poisoned well.
The Internet insures the virus spreads world wide at a far faster rate than would have been possible without it.
Just my view. But, you asked. 😉
Well said!
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