They want to make it so any teacher who refuses to teach children that homosexual sex acts are moral loses their job (and who knows what else).
The homosexual agenda is the biggest threat to liberty and freedom of religion in the West. Government persecution, as policy, for all who resist the homosexual agenda is rapidly becoming a reality against moral people in Western nations.
Here in California, the California legislature is considering punishing youth groups who don't embrace the gay agenda. Earlier this week, the Committee on Revenue and Taxation voted 6 to 3 to move the bill to the full judiciary committee.
The homosexual State Sen. Ricardo Larahas proposed the bill that will strip non-profit youth organizations of their sales tax exemption for food and other items if they discriminate on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.
The bill literally names 25 organizations that must embrace the homosexual agenda or suffer government imposed consequences including the Boy Scouts, Young Men's Christian Association, Little League, etc... and they have their eye on all Catholic and Christian private schools in this state as well.
There is no way any genuine
Catholic or Christian organization can conform with the sexually immoral homosexual agenda and still be genuinely Catholic or Christian. And yes: it's a violation of their
first amendment to try and force them.
The government might as well be telling Catholic and Christian organizations they must teach fornication and adultery as moral behaviors or be persecuted for fornication, adultery, and homosexuality are all very serious sinful sexually immoral behaviors in orthodox Christian epistemology. True Christianity is in no way compatible with homosexuality. And using same-sex marriage as a government weapon to persecute Catholics and Christians is in no way compatible with religious liberty.
It is a blatant attempt by spiritually deceived people to destroy genuine Christianity by using government force to make Christians and their organizations abandon a historically accurate exegesis of orthodox Christian epistemology and ultimately get people to abandon the God of the Bible (e.g. the only one true Creator God) as He is.
And most of the people doing this call themselves "liberals" for some reason. In Germany, these "liberals" banned home schooling because home schooling allows parents to make decisions regarding what their children will be taught, namely Christianity. This is a threat to the state's indoctrination. In Germany, the
police break into your home and drag everyone off to jail if you dare to home school your own children.
Make no mistake: persecution madness against Catholics and Christians has already begun led by people who have been spiritually deceived by the