Perhaps your right, but I don't like the idea of God promoting incest one minute and then changing his mind later on. If that's the case, it kind of shakes my faith,
There are many covenants, but two major covenants are the OLD and the NEW. There were many things that was changed from the old covenant to that of the new covenant.
old: Can't eat pork, alright to hate your enemies, alright to stone a person to death, alright to sacrifice animals to forgive your sins, obey all the laws, commandments, statutes, ordinances or your going to Hell, actually have to commit adultery to be an adulterer.
new: Can eat pork, have to love your enemies, can't stone anyone to death, can't sacrifice animals to have sins forgiven, only have to obey what Jesus and His Apostle taught, namely LOVE ONE ANOTHER, and looking at a woman to lust after her you have committed adultery. There are a few examples off the top of my head, there are many more changes made between the old covenant and the new covenant.
Before any covenant, ALL things were permissible with God, even incest. Once there was enough people on the Earth, and God understanding all things, and understanding how the genetic code deteriorates with each generation, then made it against the law to practice incest. But a day is coming where brother and sister marrying will be accepted.
and technically, no where does it say that Cain or Seth married their sisters.
True, and technically, no where does it say they did not.
I am also convinced that a proper translation of the Hebrew differentiates between man, mankind, and the man eth-ha-adam. But I reckon in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter whether God created other humans. The story centers around the first couple and their lineage, of which messiah would come.
I just prefer consistency from God, not a God who green-lighted incest at first and then prohibited it later on. Its confusion, and difficult to fathom how something could be right and then become wrong. Perhaps God flip-flopped on gay marriage too?
In any event, when something doesn't make sense, I search the scriptures for an answer, and have found reasons to believe that God created other men and women in the beginning.
But I'm fully aware that most Christians don't share my point of view or interpretation. Thanks for your interest
^i^ Responding to Post #32