Oh guys such great pictures! Have been busy for a while so what a blessing to see all these pictures.
Some of them are really very beautiful! Some of them are inspiring, peaceful and sublime.
Some of them are just comical love that last one ladyb. Old St Pete at the gates with the book of life.
When this died in Pompey... I bet he was praying.
I guess so or he was eating a hot dog!
How about this awesome description in Habakkuk:
His splendor overtakes the skies. His radiance is like a bright light - rays stream from His hand, and there His power is hidden.
Just awesome!
I have heard that, when the day of the Lord comes, it is highly advice to have a cross, in front, to be praying (same way those who saw the serpent Moses lift to be healed from those pains the serpents caused, in the OT)
Time will tell me if it was true.
Where did you hear that from!? There's no crosses in heaven!
Here's some artists depictions of the day of the lord.
Luke 21:27 KJV And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
Revelation 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
I think this was originally drawn in about the 50's!
I really like this one though people coming out their graves and that, but of course it will probably actually be immeasurably better and we'll also see an immeasurable uncountable amount of heavenly hosts behind them.
I'm sure some of you may have seen this one before of the pre-tribulation rapture. It's just an artists impression of what the day of the Lord will be like. Planes falling from the sky, cars crashing into others as their pilots and drivers are taken away while the passenger(s) are left behind.
Wow just wow!
Good is good! God is good! God is good!
This ones for you ladyb!
Hope too see more from ya'll!
God bless!