Im so sorry for the pain and betrayal you are feeling right now bluecell. I understand how much it hurts especially when we have little ones who are going to be the ones who suffer the most. I am going through a separation from my husband who has been cheating on me with several women, so I know how degrading and hopeless it feels. But I promise you, it is not hopeless. Its hard to know what to do but just be patient waiting on Gods direction, He will gently lead you sister. Finances are of course more difficult as a single parent but God does promise that He will provide all our needs, so we dont need to worry about tomorrow. I know its easier to say it than to apply it, but I pray that God will be your source of love, comfort, peace and that He will reveal to you DAILY His great faithfulness. I feel for you sister, I know how much damage this does to our lives but God can and will make it beautiful once again. God bless you and your 2 boys *hugs*