Ah... but He loved the whole world, long before you were born. He actually wrote in His book that, today, "You have not, because you ask not."
It is better to be poor concerning material things and rich in God's love and mercy.
I met a homeless man and he told me he was rich, he had God and his wife. They were traveling back to Ireland after visiting their daughter. Offered to share his lunch with me because I was about her age.
They didn't have money for a straight ticket back home, but he was content with what God provided him.
What most people don't realize is they don't "need" a new car, fancy clothes, a house, electricity, tv, phones, internet or many things the world values.
We can thank God for the blessings when He gives them to us, but that's what they are....blessings, not needs.
I have been so sick that each breathe was a prayer for life. As a child I felt as if I had a demon sitting on my chest trying to suffocate me, but God held my hand and chased away the darkness.
So now I know that each breath I take is because God has a reason for me to love and I will use each breath to praise and thank Him for all the things He has blessed me with. I will pray that all will know His love and grace, that they will leave the shadows and step into His light.
God doesn't owe us anything, but because of His love and grace He has given us everything we need for eternal life.
Why are people not content with His blessings?