The topic of "abortion" is very dear to me, and I know that everyone may not agree with my talking about abortion, I feel, that in order for someone to really have an opinion on the matter, you have to really understand WHAT abortion is, not only in the "intellectual" sense but also the physical aspect of abortion, and more then that, the emotion and spiritual consequences that comes with it.
It is all fine and dandy to say that abortion should be legal in certain cases (like if someone is raped or going to die if they don't have an abortion), but that does not take into account the physical, spiritual, and emotional consequences of actually having an abortion. In theory it sounds great, in reality - it's really not. I know that my opinion may not necessarily be popular, and we can talk about Human Rights like they are the absolute truth on the matter, but that doesn't negate the dire effects that abortion has on an individual, whether the child (because that is what it is) is 4 weeks old or 40 weeks old. You can paint it with a nice brush and say it isn't murder, but if someone did that to your mother, or brother, or spouse, or child (that had the good fortune to be born), then we would all scream bloody murder! You can say there is a difference, but there really isn't.
Murder is murder, regardless of the form that it takes. You are still playing God and deciding life or death for another person. Obviously, if someone is raped then the situation is a little different, but unfortunately the facts are still the same. I don't know how many women have abortions because of being victimized like this, but I can guess that there are probably much fewer abortions because of rape, then there are for just unwanted, unexpected, pregnancies. So, I end with this...God made sex for procreation. It really shouldn't come as a big surprise if having sex ends in a pregnancy. Seriously.
No I would play God by taking away someone else's choice to do as they wish with their own bodies. I judge MYSELF, not others.
I make rules for MYSELF, not others.
I make MY CHOICES, not others'.
The only person who is qualified to make a decision on this kind of thing is the person who is in it. The pregnant woman herself. The same way I would wish YOU to be afforded your choice of the day ever came that you found yourself in difficult circumstance. And your choice may not be the same choice another person may make.
Jesus tells us not to judge others. Do you think Jesus would say 'I FORBID YOU TO HAVE A CHOICE'.
Did Jesus stop the people who came and hurt Him and took Him?
Did He STOP the adulterous woman? Did He tell the people who wanted to stone her 'I FORBID YOU'.
No, He said 'let He who is without sin cast the first stone'.
We have a choice. Let's look at abortion and say it is a sin, first of all.
Now, do we have the right to sins? Yes, we do. All men have the right to sin. The right to CHOOSE what they do. As do women.
Abortion may be wrong, but forcing people into NOT BEING ALLOWED THE CHOICE is the worse evil.
The Pharisees tried to get people into law, to preach through fear and deny people choice and freedom.
God does not want us to come to Him through fear of Hell. He wants us to come to Him via the realisation that what He asks of us is BENIFICIAL FOR ALL.
If i say to the drug dealer, 'don't do this or you'll go to jail', he then has a habit he cannot control, PLUS the fear of jail.
If I say to a woman 'YOU MUST CARRY THIS CHILD FOR NINE MONTHS IN YOUR WOMB, GIVE BORTH TO IT AND SUPPORT IT ALL IT's LIFE OR ELSE YOU WILL GO TO JAIL', it will almost destroy her if she does not want the child.
I would rather try to support her and make her actually want the child in some way. To see the situation in a different light. To have love in her heart rather than fear.
IF she still chose to abort the child, God will know her mind and heart and can judge her rightly. it is not for me to judge.
The same way, why does a murderer murder? Or a theif steal?
Does a murderer murder just because he can? Who would murder JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN?
There is always an underlying anger, hatred for the world, or some fear. Some emotion. Some MOTIVE.
There are people who will say 'no, some serial killers murdered for fun'. But actually, they have psychological issues. The absence of empathy. The absence of compassion. The absence of love. Delusions. Or ideals. Or they were beaten as cihldren. SOMETHING LED THEM TO BE THAT WAY.
It could have been they took a knock on the head. They were subjected to heroin in the womb. Their mom's were alcoholics. They had abusive fathers.
Yes, they are locked away for the safety of others and for their own safety, but what point would jail for abortion serve?
The woman is no harm to her, or others, only to the baby inside her. but she made the choice regardless. The baby will be dead. So it is punishment for the sake of punishment.
Do you really think she will genuinely regret what she did? No. She will just hate society for imprisoning her.
Educate, love. Not condemn.
Punishment for the sake of punishment is a pointless tool.
Just to say 'they deserve jail, they killed a baby', is like saying 'they deserve burned because their circumstances dictated the way they think'.
I cannot argue with someone's emotion.
What I would do is look at how Jesus speaks.
Jesus says to us to love one another.
What love is their in hating her? Imprisoning her? Denying her choice that God gave her?
Instead, I should be HUMBLE.
People miss this.
If I am HUMBLE as God wanted, I would say to her 'I WILL HELP YOU RAISE THE CHILD'.
You will be fine. I will look out for you.
I will not let you fail.
I will be patient with her. Kind with her. I will not anger easily. I will not judge her. I will not condemn her. I will suffer long. I will be self sacrificing toward her.
God is as Jesus is. They share a will.
God's forgiveness is just like Jesus' forgiveness.
We may not see it, but LIFE pushes women to these kind of choices. Fathers who no longer love their own children. Parents who no longer have morality. Society that no longer cares for people such as these; the prostitutes, the sickly, the weak, the poor. The blind.
But hey, we only deserve love if we are perfect, right? ...
Such a shame.