Here is my advice. I really think you should dump him fast. Date someone who is thrilled that you are a virgin and wants to keep you that way until marriage, someone who respects you and has a tendency to protect you rather than take advantage of you for his own pleasure. The Bible teaches that two shall be one flesh. That is one reason why it is so important to wait until marriage. You are supposed to become one flesh with your husband, not one man here, another man there, a long succession until marriage like a lot of people are doing.
Also, the Bible says not to awaken love until it so desires. In some cultures, couples don't engage in intense affectionate activity until marriage (e.g. making out/kissing.) That makes a lot of sense. If you are going to date someone for a long time and make out a lot, it is easier to fall into sexual sin than if you don't.
Also, pray and sort out what your own beliefs are.
Also, the Bible says not to awaken love until it so desires. In some cultures, couples don't engage in intense affectionate activity until marriage (e.g. making out/kissing.) That makes a lot of sense. If you are going to date someone for a long time and make out a lot, it is easier to fall into sexual sin than if you don't.
Also, pray and sort out what your own beliefs are.