I would like to humbly suggest that we are over thinking this. The issue is not whether remarriage is "allowed", or not. The issue is whether or not remarriage will be forgiven. And of course the answer to that is yes! None of us is above sin. Who among us has not looked "lustfully" at some member of the opposite sex at some time in our lives? Who hasn't coveted something at one time or another? The point is God forgives us through Jesus Christ! Jesus himself confirms this in Mark 28, "Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter,..."." In Psalm 103, David writes "Praise the Lord my soul,...who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,...". (v. 2-3)
Everyone makes mistakes. Unfortunately, in today's world, premature marriage is a common one. While I believe that God wants us to enter marriage more cautiously and thus have a better chance of "survival", I also believe that He forgives all sins. So let's focus on making our current marriages the best they can be. If they don't happen to be the first, God will forgive us, but I believe that He will expect us to have learned from our mistakes.
Please forgive my pontificating, if that's how this comes across. For the record, I answered the poll, and I have been married multiple times. And the breakups were primarily my fault.