I'm sorry if you find me to be agressive but in my opinion you are posting words on here that are ABSOLUTELY contrary to the faith of Christianity and I do Love this man Starlitlife and have prayed for you numerous times. Re-read my post and you will understand why I request you not to pray for those on here, I reiterate it is contrary to our faith. I do not seek to push you out of here, in fact the opposite is true, I pray for you to have a revelation that your belief's are not from God and could not be from God. I also and will with every post from hereon in request respectfully that you remove the words from your signature as we do not know the meaning to them & your avatar & they were given when you were under demonic influence. Like Roboop, I am questioning whether you are for real or just toying with us. I have serious concern everytime I see your avatar and signature, it TRULY disturbs me & again I RESPECTFULLY request that you change it.