Thank you to all of you for your comments. It has been so helpful to come here and read them. Sirk your last comment really hit home. That is exactly what my family is doing. They do the 'required' holidays, pose for the pictures, post the 'family events' on facebook. But then they rush home until next time and when I have had these issues and spoken to them although they agree they say things like you just have to deal with it, it's who she is! But then when we are together I get these wide eyed looks or 'knowing, raised eyebrows when she does something! They know it's wrong but they won't do something about it. You would think they would love enough to want to help. So when I try to tell her why noone calls or hangs out with her she attacks me because no one will speak up. Someone helped me realize I am not responsible for her happiness. The Bible says honor your parents not be their best friend.