I have considered myself a Christian practically all my life. I have had my faults and have had moments in my life where I've really felt God. Recently, I've been doing these bible studies with a close friend and mentor of mine. She is a bit more conservative and has more wisdom than me. She says that I cannot call myself a Christian until I commit fully to Christ. She reassured me that many people will consider themselves Christians, but not Disciples of Christ, even though it is the same context. She even said that the term "Christian" was considered being an insult at first (Look at Acts 11:26). The word Christian is only mentioned in the Bible three times. She told me that I shouldn't call myself a Christian until I go, baptize, and teach. This is in reference to Mathew 28:16-20.Mathew 28:16-20: ...Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.So does that mean that I cannot call myself a Christian until I do those actions? In the meantime, what should I even consider myself? Thanks