For almost fourteen years now my grandma and I have been attending this fellowship whch is an inner city ministry that deals with drug addicrs and the like.My Grandma (who I've posted about n the prayer forum;she's in the hospital)served as an usherette and in the children's ministy, and it brought her joy to do that.she used to tell me how good she felt serving at church.About six years ago she suffered a mild stroke.My dad tld the chruch what happended they said they would pray for her and that they would come to see her.Don't know for sure if they prayed (I didn't go to the service)but they never came either ,even though pastors wife called to get the address ,they never came.Flash foward to this week.My Grandma is now hospitalized in and was basically in an induced coma for three days.I told her friend n the church who serves with in the childern's ministry ,and ushering about her conditon and asked her to ask the pastor if he could go see her and pray for her.I understand he's a busy man and probably doesn't have time i get that .What hurts me is what happended when i wne t to church Sunday.In time past when memeners of our congregation have had serious illnesses pastor would have the congregation jon in prayer fr that person.He did'nt do that for my Grandma.I know he's aware of the sitiuation because his wife talked to me before service.(she didn't offer to pray for us either)Maybe I should've requested prayer but honestly the circumstances shouldv'e made it obvious that prayer was needed.In anycase my grandmas friend said she was going to see her and said something about pastor saying maying something about my grandma was asleep ,to my mind implying that since she was sedated there was no point in him going to see her.Again thats my reading of it I could be wrong.However he hasn't called to ask how she is or if we need assisstance with anything.He's to wrapped up in trying to buy a mens home and the new building God is supposedly going to give them.After everything If it was me they treating like this I wouldn't care ,but my Grandma did so msuch for that church alwayspaid her titjhe ,served wherever she could ,as always good to them and this is how they repay her.I am disgusted by this and don't want to go back.I also don't want a big cnfrontation about this .Maybe I should wrte a letter expressing myself and my dissappointment .I'd really appreciate your opions on this.To be honest this forum and some of the others I posted about My Grandma's condition on have been my biggest comforters and support throughout this whole ordeal.God Bless you al for that .Please forgive the length of this post but I needed to unburden my heart.Again God Bless you all(especially if you made this far into the post!)
From what you have said and from what life sometimes throws at us, and trying to look at a balanced viewpoint, I believe your pastor has a great many things happening which has led to him not being able to consider all that was needed at the time.
The larges issue is not with the pastor but the church as an organisation, and I will say this regarding how most churches are run. Because in most the only paid position is the pastor, the pastor has to take a whole lot of aspects and things on and is likely to be pulled in all directions trying to get things done.
This was never how God intended the church to be run. In the early church there was no paid positions. There were positions but as in positions and gifts God gave to the church. A true pastors role has nothing to do with sermons or preaching. A true pastor (As in the gift of being a pastor... Not as in a paid position) will be in the flock tending to it and if there is a need he will take the sheep to the person who can address that need or bring the person to the sheep. The whole church function has become very different to how the early church was run.
Paul was not a pastor. He was an apostle. Because we try to call the apostle role a pastor we tend to have a dissfunctional body. Paul (And others) would have "Tent making" businesses to pay for themselves so not a penny was owed to anyone for them being there. In other words, paid positions in a church go back to the Priests of the Old Testament. Since Jesus came we have a New Covenant where we are all priests and kings. A king provides. A priest ministers.
So what the church needs is reformation to function as a body with no one person being over worked and all people being part of the various aspects of its running.
What happened to you is a fruit of the lack of organisation within the church itself. I very much doubt the pastor is against you personally.