I think in the part where it tells people to vote for the person who they think can run the country best.
Ultimately, elected officials, regardless of their ethics, for the most part, (there are a few exceptions, but in general), will do those things that will get them reelected and thus maintain their power. If votes can be bought, using taxpayer money, either in the form of borrowed money, or the insidious tax of inflation by printing money, in order to promise entitlements, then we have lost control of our government.
It doesn't really matter if we are talking about Republicans or Democrats. All elected officials will fall into this trap if not held accountable.
How can we hold them accountable?
To begin with, the Federal government must be kept small. The federal government, as envisioned by the founding fathers, was a small government, whose powers consisted of forging foreign treaties, providing for the peace and security, post offices, commerce between the states, and a few others. Our federal government was never meant to become the giant monster it has become, wanting to control every aspect of our lives and steal our liberties and freedoms one by one.
Now, getting back to the financial problems. The federal reserve bank is nothing but a banking cartel. This banking cartel lives and thrives on debt. Our government uses this debt to finance foreign wars, and to provide entitlements in order to buy votes. But who is the debtor? Who is ultimately responsible for paying off this debt?
It is the American taxpayer. In what form do we make payments on this debt? We make payments directly, in the form of taxes, whether they be income, social security, or taxes that are added to goods and services we buy, such as gasoline. However, and this is the one most people don't realize, we pay taxes in the form of inflation. A government that is heavily in debt, reduces the amount of money available to the private sector. So what is their solution? Print more money.
If the supply of money increases, but the supply of goods and services doesn't, then the same amount of money will buy less. If you have $10 and ten widgets, then $1 will buy 1 widget. But if you print another $10 so that you now have $20, but still have only 10 widgets, then it now takes $2 to buy 1 widget.
An increase in money does not increase the goods and services available for you to purchase. What it does do is to decrease the goverment debt, in real buying power, thus "monetizing" the debt. In other words, the "real" value of the government debt is in the goods and services that it will buy. If you reduce the amount of goods and services that the debt can buy (for the creditors who own that debt), then you have decreased the debt.
However, it also decreases the taxpayer money's "real" value. In this way, the government taxes most people, without them realizing it. Basically, they have taken your ability to buy goods and services, and applied it to their debt.
For the last ten years, the Fed, under Greenspan, and then Bernanke, have kept interest rates ridiculousy low, in order to allow the government to borrow at low rates, and to allow for the printing of enormous amounts of paper "fiat" money. But that bubble, like the housing "bubble" is about to burst. The government will be unable to raise interest rates very much, because they borrow short term and will not be able to pay the higher interest rates, to counter the coming inflation that must occur as much of the printed money makes it's way into commerce. The ensuing inflation, will rob the American taxpayer of much of his wealth.
If you don't believe it, do some historical research. See what happened to the Roman Empire under Diocletian. Check out Weimar Germany. Research Argentina in the 1970's. Throw away those middle school textbooks and do some serious research into what happened in our own country in the 1780's when Congress printed enormous amounts of money to pay for the Revolutionary War.
Make no mistake. There may be a lot of rhetoric about taxing the rich, but eventually, most middle Americans will be made paupers before this is over because of inflation. This is what happens when we allow our government to get too big, and we can no longer hold them accountable.
A lot of people will forsake their liberties and freedoms for the sake of security.
The only security we have is in Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord and King!