'And it appears in all reality, many lives are in a dilemma of living life on the edge,
emotionally, financially, family relations and work-related circumstances being a few
of many possibilities. And this appears to be evident in many events coming across news outlets.
'And this dilemma being impartial to the wealthy, poor, culture, beliefs or otherwise...most all may be included.
The sinister evil has come upon the land without prejudice.
'And the greatest resource being God's love, appears to have been abandoned for the sake of personal
worldly desires, centered around selfishness and self-centeredness. And sacred 'words' have put forth many
warnings about the outcome of harboring these self-inflicted actions.
'Proclaimed 'Christians' are not immune to this dilemma, as many help induce confusion and falseness,
through selfishness and self-centeredness. And until this is done away with...the dilemma continues!
'And many have been exposed to God's redemptive truth, and perhaps have made a profession of faith,
but who have not exercised genuine or sincere saving faith due to being blind and deaf to the necessity of
the 'light' of the Holy spirit to inspire and influence attitudes and behavior.'
(Be sure to do your own careful 'inventory' before taking action based on anything you find in this content.
Intended solely as informative and subjects of 'Reflections of Life'...'This side of the glass')
'And it appears in all reality, many lives are in a dilemma of living life on the edge,
emotionally, financially, family relations and work-related circumstances being a few
of many possibilities. And this appears to be evident in many events coming across news outlets.
'And this dilemma being impartial to the wealthy, poor, culture, beliefs or otherwise...most all may be included.
The sinister evil has come upon the land without prejudice.
'And the greatest resource being God's love, appears to have been abandoned for the sake of personal
worldly desires, centered around selfishness and self-centeredness. And sacred 'words' have put forth many
warnings about the outcome of harboring these self-inflicted actions.
'Proclaimed 'Christians' are not immune to this dilemma, as many help induce confusion and falseness,
through selfishness and self-centeredness. And until this is done away with...the dilemma continues!
'And many have been exposed to God's redemptive truth, and perhaps have made a profession of faith,
but who have not exercised genuine or sincere saving faith due to being blind and deaf to the necessity of
the 'light' of the Holy spirit to inspire and influence attitudes and behavior.'
(Be sure to do your own careful 'inventory' before taking action based on anything you find in this content.
Intended solely as informative and subjects of 'Reflections of Life'...'This side of the glass')