Is my husband the only one who believes that a husband's role is to put his wife first? To serve her and love her as Christ does. To really be His representative to the wife?
This doesn't mean that this is done perfectly - not at all. We all are only human and our flesh does not always agree with our spirit. Yet, this is my husband's understanding of the role, and most of the time, he is doing a wonderful job of this. This is the role I also take on for myself. And not always done perfectly.
The only thing I add is to let him make the final decisions on things, and support his choices. Even that is subject to change. My husband is 84, and beginning to show signs of dementia - not always wise choices. It seems to be reversed at this point. I'm taking on more of a leadership role. There just can't be any hard and fast rules in a marriage.
We can only take care of each other to the best of our abilities.
This doesn't mean that this is done perfectly - not at all. We all are only human and our flesh does not always agree with our spirit. Yet, this is my husband's understanding of the role, and most of the time, he is doing a wonderful job of this. This is the role I also take on for myself. And not always done perfectly.
The only thing I add is to let him make the final decisions on things, and support his choices. Even that is subject to change. My husband is 84, and beginning to show signs of dementia - not always wise choices. It seems to be reversed at this point. I'm taking on more of a leadership role. There just can't be any hard and fast rules in a marriage.
We can only take care of each other to the best of our abilities.
There are three post on this first page about submission. I'm guessing the reality is, as always, women would prefer remaining in complete control, and submitting just goes against our natural grain.
Add to this, they don't trust a man to automatically assume the wife comes first, so they're prepping for that. So, rather then marry a guy who knows most of all that he loves his wife, it's just easier to pick a man who will let the wife rule.
Personally, it seems reasonable to me to just assume I'll either find a guy who really loves me or I'll stay single, but that just goes against the grain of modernism and what is now passing for feminism.
But, between you and me, we've already get the privilege of dealing with much bigger issues than a mere "submitting" topic could ever reach. And, yes, it wasn't that long ago that I thought the worse thing that could happen to me is I couldn't find a job quick enough. Remember those days? Ahhhh, the good-ole days. lol