Ty Maxx. too bad the vast majority of people see us as Hitlers secret police the Gestapo instead of just people wanting to make sure they are safe while in CC. But hey, it goes with the job. But ty very much.
Not so, I don't believe this,this site has great mods, I don't even know who you all are, but I don't see trouble here, and it is cause of the hard work the mods do. I remember one time there was a not so nice person in a room, so I went to another room to get a mod, could have been you, and PM the problem, too funny, the answer I got back from mod was,, problem has been taken care of,, wow, that fast, even as I was letting mod know.
I didn't like to be a rat, but God is good,and someone must of saw problems before I did, and that is why.
I did go to other site, CCnet, yuck, and I did google a bit and did see some people really don't like the mods here or christians how sad, Just like when Jesus walked the earth.
Well we have God, and we are good people here, no one can take our fellowship away, or our beliefs, our sweet Jesus died for us, and if only some other people would see this and accept this, oh what a wonderful world this would be.
As new as I am, I am soooooo glad this was the site I first found, Yay, even as an unbeliever when I arrived here, God was watching over me. No one was mean because I was not believe, and when I did believe and was saved in room with Cookie39 in prayer room He heard the prayers of others, and lead me straight. Yay Jesus, Yay God, Yay Holy Spirit that is in us, and Yay to the mods here that keep us safe and keep the site clean.
Thank you Jesus to watch over us, and to give us tools like internet to learn more about you.
Thank you Jesus for the wonderful people who are moderators here.
Thank you Jesus for RoboOp that he made this site and does not demand money, only asks for donations so that all can use this site reguardless of income, or donations.
Thank you Jesus for all the wonderful people who I have met here and have had fellowship with.
Thank you Jesus for the great bible study here.
Thank you Jesus for you give patience to others for new people to learn of you
Thank you Jesus to give your life so that we may live with you one day.
I miss you all so much, and even the mods, hugs to all