Orderly immigration is one thing. Opening the borders and allowing anyone and everyone in is inviting problems. Of course the communist agenda always invites chaos. In the words of the great communist moslem Obama. Never let a disaster go to waste.
here are some interesting facts on that expression. (actually its crisis...but a disaster will do in a pinch

The "Political" use of the phrase "Never let a good crisis go to waste" is based upon the points made in Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals, page 89, in the section marked communication "in the arena of action, a threat or a crisis becomes almost a precondition to communication"
Taking advantage of any crisis whether real or manufactured is a common tool used by those waging war in antithesis.(often incorrectly referred to as Political purposed). When used in this way, crisis and its extreme amplification as "thinking and acting as a group", is no longer a tactic of protest but instead a tactic of ideological subversion, which is used to bring about totalitarian government control, via Socialism or Communism.
In other words the SAGE lead form the groups along the lines of a crisis subject and use that crisis to force the need for control. if the crisis is allowed to continue (as we observed often during the last presidential administration) people will cry out to government, for relief from the result of the crisis which can lead to property destruction, and even loss of life and limb.
The TSA is one example of how crisis was used to create a police state at America airports, when its known that there are other more effective tactics which are used by other nations to avoid airliner incidents.