why have you taken such a hatred to me during my short time on the forum
But like another person has posted:
I dont quite undertand how you had 13 children by the age of 18 as said in your profile.
Not hate but trying to undertand you situation..?
Not hate but trying to undertand you situation..?
You try homeschooling...........
We were forced into it when the public schools FAILED to properly even attempt educating an intellectually disabled, special needs child, putting my child (and entire family) through hell on earth.
I could sit and chat homeschool pros/cons, curriculum, techniques, triumphs, struggles, legalities, where and how to get help, etc all day (if I had the time)
BUT, seeing how jumpy you are, and taking offense to everything said to you I don't think we'll be having any of those conversations.
At this point all I can say to you is "good luck".
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